Men, Married, Southerners Most Likely to Be Gun Owners
I was going to save this for another time, but as a follow up to recent post about gun ownership and political affiliation, here is another poll that is very telling:
"Across those six data sets, an average of 30% of Americans said they personally own a gun. Another 14% did not personally own a gun but live in a household with someone who does. The results presented here focus mainly on personal gun ownership, though the demographic patterns are similar among the larger group of Americans living in gun households."
-Snip -
"In addition to gender, Southern residence, and marital status, personal gun ownership also varies significantly by age, race, and political ideology.
- Non-Hispanic whites (33%) are significantly more likely than nonwhites (22%) to own guns. Hispanics (18%) in particular show below-average gun ownership. Twenty-one percent of blacks own a gun.
- Younger Americans (20%) are much less likely to own guns than older Americans. There are only minor differences among adults 30 and older by age group (ranging between 31% and 34%).
- Gun ownership is much higher among those who are politically conservative (39%) than among those who are politically liberal (17%)."
Liberals, Progressives, and especially Democrats not only own fewer guns, but upcoming generations of Americans are more prone to be Liberal, and less prone to be attracted to the macho American gun culture they were born into.
It took the NRA several generations to poison this nation with the unfettered proliferation of guns, and the inevitable gun violence brought about by easy access to guns. It will take as long as it takes for thinking Americans to reverse that insanity, and to find solutions which are compliant with the Second Amendment while imposing reasonable restrictions, and instilling enforceable responsibilities on gun ownership.
(54,770 posts)good to see polls clearly indicating what gun fanciers deny.
(6,647 posts)more and more Americans are realizing that the right-wing Second Amendment absolutists (aided and abetted by ALEC and the NRA), are hiding behind the US Constitution in order to promote a violent gun culture in this country. They steadfastly believe the NRA/ALEC lies about confiscation of guns, and the promotion of a fear of our government to stir up the masses, all for greed and profits.
One more time: ALL rights enumerated by the BOR are subject to regulation and restriction -- ALL OF THEM -- and the Second Amendment is neither sacrosanct, nor excluded from being regulated to the degree that public safety is ensured.