The gun nuts lose again
A federal judge has just calmly put most of those histrionic complaints where they belong: in the dustbin of history.
When Cuomo pushed, and the state Legislature passed, a sober statute in the wake of the Newtown slaughter, it was obvious to anyone with a glancing familiarity with precedent that it would withstand legal scrutiny. Even a conservative Supreme Court had affirmed the right of states and localities to impose reasonable curbs on who can buy and wield what firearms, where and when.
New Yorks law bans the possession of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, requires background checks for all gun sales save those to immediate relatives, creates new controls to stop firearms from falling into the hands of the deranged and more.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)progressoid
(50,920 posts)RoccoR5955
(12,471 posts)Yeah, the law keeps guns from being in the hands of nuts, so this must be why I see these signs that say "Repeal the Safe Act" in front of crazed maniacs' houses. A lot of them are nearby Connecticut!
These people are out of their freakin' minds with their damn guns already, and need to have them taken away for their own safety, and the safety of others. Yet they are the ones who are hollering that they have the "right" to have the damn things.
(54,770 posts)upaloopa
(11,417 posts)Who the hell needs rights when you are dead?
(54,770 posts)billh58
(6,647 posts)"Second Amendment absolutists" describes these right-wing, NRA/Alec, Koch Brothers clones perfectly. They are no different from the religious absolutists who plague this country, and many of them most likely are followers of both extremist groups.
To the dismay of these asshats, sensible gun control laws will become more common than not in the foreseeable future. Just seeing the anger on their bigoted faces, and reading their pitiful signs makes it all worthwhile.