These Maps Debunk Everything the NRA Has Told Us About Guns
Like any dangerous product cars, airplanes, explosives sensible regulation of guns clearly plays a positive role in reducing both misuse of this product and the number of deaths resulting from such misuse.
The map itself was part of a scholarly study by researchers from Boston Childrens Hospital and published this March in JAMA Internal Medicine.
The map is not without exceptions and outliers, but the general trend is clear: States with more gun regulations had lower rates of gun deaths, and states with less gun laws had higher gun death rates, both in terms of suicide and homicide. That's certaintly not the message we get from the National Rifle Association.
(4,797 posts)5, 4, 3,....
(6,647 posts)are "celebrating" the anniversary of Sandy Hook by bragging that "gun control is dead." This is the same mentality that drives the asshats from the Westboro Baptist church to display their raw hatred for other Americans. These Second Amendment cold-dead-hands Internet fanatics are actually helping those organizations that are calling for sensible laws to reduce gun violence in the civilized world's most heavily armed and dangerous country to get their points across.
The glaring fact that more guns and less regulation equals more gun death and injury is irrefutable. The cold hard facts also effectively counter the cowardly right-wing vigilante wannabes and NRA apologists whose feeble attempts at justifying "gunz for everyone" as a Constitutional Right as complete and utter NRA scare tactic bullshit.
(29,272 posts)By and large, they've dropped all pretense of being in favor of "reasonable" measures to curtail gun violence. Remember after Sandy Hook, how DU gun threads were crammed with posts from "reasonable" Gun Enthusiasts, forswearing the excesses of the NRA and the rest of the radical gun militancy movement? Funny how all that has gone by the wayside, isn't it?
(6,647 posts)that the period right after Sandy Hook was just a period of "saving face" for the rabid gun huggers in an effort to appear more Liberal to other DU-ers. The right-wing leanings of the cold-dead-hands crowd always comes to the forefront when they see an opening (such as celebrating a falsely perceived victory over gun control on the anniversary of Sandy Hook).