I've been blocked from the RKBA Group.
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by iemanja (a host of the Gun Control Reform Activism group).

I wonder why..... when they portray this guy as a hero! http://www.democraticunderground.com/1172133950

(54,770 posts)Those gun fanciers have thin skin, I guess that's why they need a gun or two in their pants to venture out.
Response to rdharma (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(6,057 posts)Nice poster boy you've adopted, newbee!
(29,692 posts)No sense in pretending there's anything like a productive dialog to be had about the gun issue, anymore. Be happy you landed on the sane side of the issue.
(40,233 posts)See what you've done? I hope you're happy.
(56,126 posts)I didn't see anybody calling that guy a hero. I saw one OP with a video of him getting arrested (I think that is who it is, I didn't do any real research)
I am curious why you used that terminology/description. I watched the video as well. It looked to me like he was pretty much falsely arrested. The cop that stopped him is a menace, way more dangerous to himself and others than this clown appears to be. If this man and his son were as dangerous as that cop wanted it all to look like he (the cop) would have been dead. The two armed citizens had to HELP the cop cuff and de-arm the father. It looked like a lesson on how NOT to do an arrest of an armed suspect. yikes!
edit to remove the comment that was related to GD, where I thought I was - sorry about that, found this on the latest page, I guess I should delete the whole post...let me know if you want me to do that or reply as you wish.
(6,057 posts)

(6,650 posts)bunch over there, so you must have hurt their little feelings. No big loss however, because just like their right-wing heroes, they're headed for obscurity.
(55,655 posts)Consensus among the group's host is that this is not in keeping with the SOP of the group. Please stick to issues about gun control and gun culture without focusing directly on the other group.
Thank you.