Want to see a gun hugger's head explode?
Ask him/her which countries in the world allow unlicensed/unregistered firearms ownership.
Then ask him/her why they think firearms shouldn't be registered in the USA.
(33,963 posts)Hoyt
(54,770 posts)GP6971
(33,963 posts)very true at least up until the 90's. now they're renegotiating rotation troops back in Subic Bay so it will go back to old times
(6,057 posts)Republic Act 10591
But thanks for the guess.
(33,963 posts)article in NY Times referenced it. I'll look for the link and post it.
(6,057 posts)TIA!
(33,963 posts)rdharma
(6,057 posts)GP6971
(33,963 posts)but consider the source!!!!!
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,712 posts)That's because America is different and better than all those other countries, which are full of foreigners, socialists and sometimes French people. Those other foreign socialist French-like countries think unlicensed/unregistered guns are bad, but here in America, which is the most excellent and totally free country in the universe, we know that everyone who wants a gun should have one, and carry it around to show people how important and powerful they are. This is because America is special, you Communist. USA! USA!
(54,770 posts)billh58
(6,649 posts)gun nut country of Confederated Red States of Republimerica where more gunz for anyone who wants one is the motto, because: Second Amendment, My Rights, Freedom, and Liberty. If'n the gubmint knew who had gunz, they'd come an take 'em away don't cha know.
We needz are gunz more 'an ever now cause there's a gun grabbin' black Socialust Muslin in the Whitehouse. and we's reddy for the revalushun.
(8,267 posts)I wish we still had DUzys!
(6,057 posts)But they both have registration and licensing requirements. Oops!