About One-Quarter of Assault-Injured Youth Own a Gun
Firearm possession linked to socioeconomic status, male gender, drug use, retaliatory attitudesMONDAY, July 8 (HealthDay News) -- Nearly one-quarter of youth presenting to the emergency department for assault-related injuries report possessing a firearm, most of which are obtained illegally, according to a study published online July 8 in Pediatrics.
Patrick M. Carter, M.D., from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and colleagues administered a computerized screening survey regarding firearm possession and correlates among 689 youth (aged 14 to 24 years old) presenting to a Level 1 emergency department with assault-related injuries. Demographics, firearm possession rates and characteristics, attitudes toward aggression, substance abuse, and history of violence were assessed using validated instruments.
The researchers found that 23 percent of participants reported firearm possession in the previous six months, of whom only 17 percent had obtained the gun from a legal source. Twenty-two percent reported owning highly lethal automatic/semiautomatic weapons and more than one-third (37.1 percent) reported owning a firearm for protection. Firearm possession was significantly correlated with male gender, higher socioeconomic status, illicit drug use, being in a recent serious fight, and retaliatory attitudes.
"Future prevention efforts should focus on minimizing illegal firearm access among high-risk youth, nonviolent alternatives to retaliatory violence, and substance use prevention," the authors write.
(6,647 posts)are obtained illegally." According the NRA and DU Gungeoneers, there is absolutely nothing that we can do about people obtaining weapons illegally, so we may as well just arm everyone and let the best shot win.
That NRA bought-and-paid-for assumption is what drives corrupt politicians to accept bribes (NRA "A" rating and campaign donations) from the gun lobby in exchange for dangerous gun laws and regulations which enable the obscene proliferation of guns in our society. The NRA and those who apologize for, or agree with, their stance on "gunz for everyone" are the direct cause of the ease with which these idiots are able to obtain a gun from other idiots.
The American people are awakening to the reality that guns are indeed a blight on our society, and that they should be strictly controlled. Universal background checks should be required for ALL gun purchases whether from a licensed dealer, or your Aunt Emma. Once sold, ALL guns should be registered. and all subsequent changes of ownership or possession should be tracked through mandatory registration. And, for the "can't live without my gun" crowd, please spare me the whining about possible "confiscation."
The commission of a crime of any classification(felony or misdemeanor) in which the perpetrator is in possession of a gun should have an automatic penalty of a minimum of 25 years tacked on.