(13,774 posts)Very appropriate.
(794 posts)Paladin
(29,314 posts)lastlib
(25,224 posts)that would be the only change I would make to this--otherwise, pretty much dead on!
I think we should substitute the phrase "industrial-strength killing machines" for "assault weapons" at every opportunity. It's taking a page out of the Republican playbook, but who says we should play nice when so many lives are at stake?
jimmy the one
(2,721 posts)Nyuck, but you forgot the signatories, Bains:
Antonin Scalia, Justices Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Clarence (no thurgood marshall) Thomas.
.. with amicus briefs from dick cheney, ashcroft, gwbush, GOA.
No not nra, they actually didn't want the heller case to proceed, afeared it would fail & their phony cause be lost forever. Instead, they were given lifeblood, while the nation's was depleted.
(55,447 posts)It came across my Facebook, and I reposted it.
jimmy the one
(2,721 posts)Don't be offended Bains, I nyucked at the writing of the revised 2ndA you posted, and noted that the revision was made possible by the 5 rightwing justices, 2 of which were appointed by gwbush, & that the whole subversion of the original intent of the 2ndA was made possible by the administration of bush/cheney, which actually lost the 2000 election by a half million votes to gore/lieberman.