Anybody else notice the gazillion threads celebrating the firing of the 3-D gun?
(3,932 posts)This is the first I've heard of it.
(53,661 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)But still:
I recognize that this tool might be used to harm people, Wilson told Forbes. Thats what it is its a gun. But I dont think thats a reason to not put it out there. I think that liberty in the end is a better interest.
Once the file is online, anyone will be able to download and print the gun in the privacy of their garage, legally or not, with no serial number, background check, or other regulatory hurdles, Forbes Andy Greenberg noted last week.
It's a gun owner's wet dream.
(53,475 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)...Security checkpoints, background checks and gun regulations will do little good if criminals can print plastic firearms at home and bring those firearms through metal detectors with no one the wiser," Israel said in a statement on Friday. "When I started talking about the issue of plastic firearms months ago, I was told the idea of a plastic gun is science-fiction. Now that this technology is proven, we need to act now."
Read more:
It completely undermines our attempts at regulation, if the capabilities of these printers is true. No way to track anything, anywhere. And I'm sure that a plastic bullet could be fired, perhaps in a one shot and then it destroys itself manner.
As I've said before, technology is ahead of legislation, human wisdom or social morals. There is nothing to stop this, anymore than the natives could stop Europeans with guns when they had bows, arrows and spears.
Just think what a terrorist could do with this technology that's going to go online. That first link I quoted above was from DU's Open Source group.
(53,475 posts)Progressive dog
(7,341 posts)anything except metal. Still be tough to get through metal detector.
(53,661 posts)There are Wikipedia pages:
Anyone making a plastic gun at home and willing to use it to intimidate or cause mayhem, could do so with gunpowder from firecrackers. I'm certainly not advocating anyone do this, merely showing that this new, unregulated technology, now available from Staples, makes it easier for RWNJs.
If anyone wants me to delete this, I will, but think we know what we're up against. I am sure this would not be used often, and does not change my mind about reducing the guns and rifles flooding our nation.
Half those buying the weapons currently being advertised likely wouldn't want these. And since they take profit from the gun manufacturers, they won't be pushing them, either. This takes them out of the game, too.
Progressive dog
(7,341 posts)rather easily. The plastic printed gun isn't close to a top of the line weapon. The people originating the story are RW gun nuts, anarchists, and libertarians.
Not your fault, but I think this already has been given too much unwarranted press.
(53,661 posts)GeorgeGist
(25,477 posts)But nah, I've only seen 2.
(54,770 posts)drool enough to stand in line to buy up everyone of the things that can be manufactured.
I think it will be quite awhile before our gun lovers will be cuddling with these things. Now, when they get one that will hold 100 rounds, and fire all day at imaginary goblins, things might change.
(39,665 posts)Scuba
(53,475 posts)It's the "I can make a twelve gauge shotgun with a 3/4" metal pipe" argument used years ago.
(15,396 posts)LOL