History of Feminism
Related: About this forumDoes this sound familiar?
The headline is this:
Good, I say, you did the right thing.
In banning the offending forums, Reddit CEO Yishan Wong suggested the delayed response was a freedom of speech issue, despite the invasions of privacy being lamented as criminal.
Wong described Reddit as 'the government of a new type of community' rather than a company running a website, according to Recode.
The headlining forum to be close was called 'The Fappening', which was created solely for the cache of leaked celebrity photos.
'While current US law does not prohibit (Reddit) linking to stolen materials, we deplore the theft of these images and we do not condone their widespread distribution,' Wong wrote in a blog post.
'Nevertheless, reddits platform is structurally based on the ability for people to distribute, promote, and highlight textual materials as well as links to images and other media.
'We understand the harm that misusing our site does to the victims of this theft, and we deeply sympathize.'
Wong does not immediately address shutting down The Fappening, however vistors to the site are now greeted with a message from Reddit saying the page has been banned.
Wong went on to essentially say what happens on the site is the responsibility of the user, and not the site itself.
'We uphold the ideal of free speech on reddit as much as possible not because we are legally bound to, but because we believe that you - the user - has the right to choose between right and wrong, good and evil, and that it is your responsibility to do so.
Hey website owners, your members (users) demand you that it is you who has the right to choose between right and wrong, good and evil, and IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO DO SO!
when you say this:
Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)after six days, traffic had fallen off enough that cost/benefit suggested the income wasn't worth the negative PR anymore.
(15,382 posts)thoughts exactly.
(26,408 posts)The message is fundamental to this...it is an act of violence.
The entire RW agenda is about...
Abuse and Psychological Assault
Using Coercion and Threats
Making or carrying out threats to do something to harm the client threatening to withdraw as counsel of record on the clients case threatening to commit incompetent or unethical practice by violating the State Bar disciplinary rules of professional conduct threatening to request the court to order a psychological evaluation of the client without just reason ambushing and railroading the client to prevent informed decisions exaggerating the harmful outcomes to the client pressuring the client to accept a plea deal offer pressuring the client to do illegal things.
Using Terrorism and Assault
Making the client afraid by using looks, tones, demeanors, gestures, actions staging temper tantrums violating rules of politesse; rules of orderly, fair meetings; and the State Bar ethics code displaying weapons or other objects or images of violence terrorizing the client sadistically manipulating the client psychologically assaulting the client.
Using Emotional Abuse
Putting the client down making the client feel bad about herself or himself calling the client names making the client think she or he is crazy playing mind games humiliating the client making the client feel guilty.
Using Isolation and Guilt
Isolating the client and forbidding client to consult with other lawyers without permission using presumed guilt or suspicion of guilt of client to justify abuse using private meetings instead of telephone, mail and email communications refusing to state the purpose of meetings.
Minimizing, Denying and Blaming
Making light of the abuse and not taking clients concerns about it seriously saying the abuse didnt happen shifting responsibility for abusive behavior saying the client caused the abuse.
Using Information Abuse
Misrepresenting the experience and specialized knowledge of the lawyer using asymmetric information to mislead the client preventing client from seeing all the evidence providing insufficient information for client to make an informed decision using misrepresentation, double-talk, stonewalling and obfuscation to prevent informed decisions not informing the client about public access to the case file at the Court house refusing to communicate, explain and clarify in writing failing to disclose State Bar ethics rules existence and contact information.
Using Attorney Privilege
Acting like the boss treating the client like a servant making the big decisions ignoring clients instructions, decisions and best interests failing to get clients consent being the one to define lawyers and clients roles not writing a fee contract preventing preview of contract before signing making unilateral changes to contract after initial agreement using vague, ambiguous, ineffective language that protects the lawyer but not the client refusing arbitration.
Using Economy Abuse
Making the client pay more money not refunding clients money if not used for the stipulated purpose or if not earned using bait-and-switch tactics after receiving advance fee payment.
Adapted and reprinted with permission from Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, 202 E. Superior Street, Duluth, MN 55802, 218-722-2781, www.theduluthmodel.org.
Power and Control Wheel for Lawyers and Clients
is available for downloading, reprinting and distributing.
Download: Power & Control Wheel for Lawyers & Clients (PDF)
Download: Adobe PDF Reader
Thanks boston bean.
Love, Peace and Shelter.
~ littlemissmartypants
(26,408 posts)If you have the time check out how the wheel of abuse has evolved over the years.
Thanks again!
(107,571 posts)that outlined the tactics for avoiding legal liability for what happens on their sites--deflecting responsibility to the "user", pushing the Freedom of speech angle as cover, and yes, relabeling as a "new community" rather than a business. I can almost see the bullet points on the power point slide.
(10,575 posts)The issue was brought to light by a Reddit user nicknamed Creq who posted a message to the site a week ago suggesting that 20 terms had been banned.
He said the list of censored words included: "National Security Agency", "GCHQ", "Anonymous", "anti-piracy", "Bitcoin", "Snowden" and "net neutrality".
It later became clear that other terms, including "EU Court", "startup" and "Assange" had also been blocked.
When the Daily Dot questioned one of the section's volunteer moderators about this, he confirmed that software was being used to automatically delete posts that featured "politicised" words in order to avoid the links making it to the core list of most popular topics.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)is the fundamental philosophy of a Libertarian ...
I think the basic component of Libertarian Philosophy is To Take the Idea of Free Will to the Fullest Extreme.
Individualism without the construct of Living Peacefully Within Society.
They seem to simply Not Care about others and they think it is Their Right To Not Care.
I don't get it. at all.