Comics Alliance editorial - "How Misogyny in Gamer Culture Hurts All of Us"
If all of these people with power, whose voices carry weight, got together and addressed misogynist geek culture with an It Gets Better-type campaign, imagine the response. These guys would have to listen, right? And if they didnt listen, imagine the reaction. Imagine the outcry. Imagine the outrage. Imagine the exposure.
You have all these famous faces making a commitment to treat women equally and with more respect, saying, Hey, treating women like this is not okay. We will no longer stand for misogyny and terrorism in geek culture. And at the end of these videos there could be a website where people can reach out for support or report horrendous sexism. We need a system in place. We need to let these people know that this is not acceptable.
I dont know what goes through the minds of these men as they sit behind their computers. I just cant comprehend how someone believes that violence against women is okay, or that a woman deserves to be publicly humiliated and violently threatened for having an opinion. I dont understand how someone could possibly believe that women do not deserve to have the same rights as men. Its beyond unconscionable its horrific and depressing. Its not a world I want to live in, and its not one where I feel safe. We should all feel angry about this.
I bolded part that stood out to me particularly; possibly this website already exists. Anyway -
the editorial is by Britt Hayes and well worth reading.