Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumOccupy Raleigh camp may move indoors
"The Raleigh occupation began in October outside the state Capitol along Morgan Street. Demonstrators moved a few blocks west, to a wedge of land between Edenton and Hillsborough streets, in November, seeking a place to sleep and eat while keeping a 24-hour presence. They set up tents around a campfire on the site, which also has a library, kitchen and portable toilet.
Since then, the occupiers have leased the land from a private landlord on a month-to-month basis. Recently, they learned they would have to seek their own insurance at roughly $700 for a year, said Kurt Zehnder of Occupy Raleigh.
They have raised enough money to cover the insurance, Zehnder said, thanks to a donor who wanted them to have a space. But they aren't certain they want to stay and spend the money there. Eviction at the end of February is a possibility, he said, but not certain.
The movement, which mirrors the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York, marked its 100th day downtown in January. They hold daily assemblies at the Capitol along with frequent rallies, including one starting Friday which may involve occupy groups from around the state."
More: http://www.newsobserver.com/2012/02/21/1871655/occupy-raleigh-campmay-move-indoors.html

(1,628 posts)Accepting the money and moving on as other people plan is questionable to them.
They could have taken the donation and done what other people wanted. Yet they questioned it.
I hope the donor doesn't feel like they were let down. Need to get to mid March.
(11,441 posts)It's possible the donor supports them moving to a more permanent, possibly indoor, site.
The city is blue and the mayor is cooperative, but maybe Occupy would garner more support behind bricks and mortar. Especially since so many can't seem to get past the tents and embrace the IDEA.