Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumSpain may be nearing revolution. (Added videos)(Added livestreams, Sept. 26)
Last edited Wed Sep 26, 2012, 10:33 PM - Edit history (3)
Michael @_cypherpunks_
Madrid Protests: Police Admit 'Secret' Agents But Deny Provocation (PHOTOS) #25s #26s http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/26/madrid-protests_n_1916494.html
a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)Spain's off my sit list, until things calm down...
(26,001 posts)We just can't keep avoiding the consequences of the current paradigm crashing down around us, no matter how hard we might want to....
a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)I don't buy that.
We can change. In fact, we already are...
Cheap DIY solar shifts the equation
Cheap wind shifts the equation
Using the GWG as a feedstock shifts the equation
FAR too many people seem hell-bent on pushing humanity back into some romanticized version of the dark ages.
If that's what THEY want for THEMSELVES, fine. Pushing it on me and mine would be "an unfortunate and very permanent mistake..."
(26,001 posts)...the rest of the world.
Crossing one troubled place after another off your list ("I'm crossing the atmosphere off my list, until it gets its act straightened out!" doesn't make you -- or any of us -- immune from consequences of disruption and collapse.
Yes, we could do some of those things.
But that theoretical "if" won't head off near-term trouble. Nor will your list make America immune from the consequences of whatever happens in Spain.
That's what I was suggesting.
a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)A soccer brawl in the kingdom of Tonga will spread until it reaches my doorstep.
And those game changers aren't theoreticals, they are happening NOW. (I'll admit, they are slow in ramping up... but they ARE ramping up)
(26,001 posts)(you imagine) than a soccer game brawl?
Well, there's not much I can say to that view, other than we're all on the same planet, and going along for the same ride!
It will be "interesting" indeed, to say the least, on the road ahead, our personal "lists" notwithstanding!
a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)so what? I should brought all I'm doing, and join "my brothers and sisters in the great struggle?"
I was just pointing out your "logic" (such as it is...)
We are NOT all on the same ride. That's a fallacy that feeds right into the RW talking points about liberals.
(26,001 posts)If we're not on the same ride, I'm glad that your planet experienced no drought and no changing weather, and will have no lapses in food supplies in the years ahead!
Thanks for visiting this thread here on Planet Earth, though!
a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)don't know about your neck of the woods, but we've got water and crops, here on the coast.
It really seems like a lot of threads here are lifted straight from Schopenhauer's book...
(26,001 posts)whatsoever?
And that you will remain immune for any deleterious consequences of climate change, in your particular neck of the woods?
I just want to be sure that that's what you're saying.
a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)Overstatement of someone's phrasings... Schopenhauer tactic
As I can highly modify the climate with a project I've proposed, I think climate change won't be much of an issue.
As my wife and I buy local food, and belong to a very careful credit union, Spain isn't much of an issue.
If an Uprising happens here, I'll be helping the cops. I detest riots.
(26,001 posts)I think that really tells us all we need to know, yes?
a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)yes it does...
Too many assclowns go around taking uprising. They never seem to stick around to fix the broken stuff.
My neighborhood in the city is important to me. You have no right to riot.
(9,137 posts)General Assemblies are uprisings. And you say that you want to join cops beating people participating uprisings.
a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)the general assemblies I've attended have been peaceful, orderly, and calm...
That's not an uprising. That's a peaceful protest.
(9,137 posts)General Assemblies are citizen's disobedience against tyranny and declarations of independence (cf http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/declaration_transcript.html) which don't recognize any higher political authority than GA. By their very nature they are revolutionary uprisings, they don't make demands to representatives of tyranny except to tell them to get the fuck out. You are confused by the mass media meme that revolutionary uprisings are or need to be violent. So far uprisings of general assemblies all over the world have been mostly peaceful and have been met by violence from police and other mechanisms of violence protecting the enemies of democracy and common decency, who are anything but peaceful, orderly and calm.
There are people on this forum and especially in this group - which is also a General Assembly - whose friends have been beaten and jailed by cops for participating in peaceful democratic uprisings called General Assemblies. Your threat of physical violence against them - us - by joining the police terror against people is fucking retarded.
Joe Shlabotnik
(5,604 posts)a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)1.) I work with kids with developmental disabilities. "Fucking retarded" is a hurtful phrase. You want to call me delusional, fine. You want to say I've got disordered thinking styles, cool. Otherwise, we get into issues of hate speech.
2.) I used to be part of my local GA. I stopped going, when they started in about differential voicing, to "make up for loss of power." A double standard is a double standard, regardless of the favored group.
2a.) I've found a number of Occupy groups started getting into confrontational issues with other citizens and LEOs. Not cool.
2b.) One of the issues I had with my local Occupy GA was the idea of confiscatory redistribution. That gets into dangerous territory.
3.) When does one group's right to peacefully assemble override another group's right to conduct business? If one is treated above another, then there is a problem with constitutional law. Why should a group be allowed to stop me from conducting business with a bank, or a Planned Parenthood clinic, or a gun shop, or a bookstore.
3a.) when you have a protest that covers several blocks, you have - by definition - a crowd issue. A large crowd protesting something can quickly get violent. Shouldn't there be a certain amount of space between the protester and the protested? That's just public safety. No one wants to be caught in the middle of a riot.
(9,137 posts)You have problem with that? If not, please voice your concerns in the General Assembly of this DU group or elsewhere, but do it respectfully without threatening with violence against other participants.
a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)1.) When your right to protest infringes on my right of travel, don't I have a say? (Here in New Haven, the public green is supposed to be for everybody. That includes protesters and those wanting a picnic.)
2.) I have no problems with the Declaration of independence. Do you have a problem with folks wanting public safety?
(9,137 posts)Yes I do. "Public safety" can be used and has been used as pretext for all kinds of tyranny and despotism and violence. There has been no war that was not supposed to be about "public safety".
a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)who want the streets in safety? Should everyone buy a gun?
Uprisings sound great... Everybody loves Les Mis... Nobody loves cleaning up.
(9,137 posts)Stop asking me stupid questions, better luck with some other victim.
PS: Quite often I do love cleaning up. Cleaning up with love is big issue in the various communities I've lived. And I've also learned that it's better to teach by example than nagging - which is all I see you doing. And it was you that wanted to rise up with a rocket and leave the mess behind.
a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)I didn't think I was asking a stupid question. The right to be safe in daily activities is usually considered a fundamental part of any culture. Does your right to protest override my right to safety? That's a fundamental issue.
I agree with you that It was I that wants to leave via rocket. Unfortunately, I tend to feel like I HAVE to clean up messes. (Hence those GWG eating balloon ideas.)
(9,137 posts)(and not yours only) is that all ideas are about what others should do. And the usual me-me-meme. I just don't pick fights, no problems. As for you, I have no idea how big risk you are to others, but I'm starting to have doubts if it is really safe to release you from your basement room...
More generally? No fit-for-all rules from me, situation awareness works better. From my infinite *cough* wisdom I have nothing better to offer than: Better to stop causing problems than to try fixing problems by causing dozen more problems.
And same with your techno-fix ideas. They depend - (if not in violation of basic physics and some other basic issues) from getting others to do as you tell them, on planetary scale. Please and by all means help all you can if it makes you feel good, that's way cool. But no need to feel that YOU have to save the planet and clean up the mess - least of all alone. "Messiah is the one who leaves a mess behind" as UG said.
Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.
a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)Fantastic Anarchist
(7,309 posts)a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)European, Arabic, Asian, or gutter rules?
Fantastic Anarchist
(7,309 posts)a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)Fantastic Anarchist
(7,309 posts)a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)Do you want haiku? Or do you want Blues style?
If I'm going to do this, might as well do it right.
(9,137 posts)Sad to hear that, Bob.
a geek named Bob
(2,715 posts)I like the idea of safe streets, and avoidance of warfare.
Call me kooky, but I think being in a riot is no fun at all.
(1,922 posts)If Dems lose the WH and the Senate, we are out of here.
We have property in Costa Rica, but Latin America is headed straight to hell.
Norway is an option, GF has property. But it is north of the Circle. I'd freeze my ass off.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)weather patterns in the northern hemisphere will become...Worse...so starting somewhere currently cold may result in a home somewhere decent. Unless the extremes exponentiate...I don't know. It's a crap shoot.
(108,903 posts)kestrel91316
(51,666 posts)Portugal I'd be very appreciative. Too close for comfort.
(23,727 posts)I can just hear faux, rush,beck saying its Obama fault.
(58,162 posts)50% unemployment of the youth labor pool. locking the tops of garbage cans so people can`t scavenge food. spain is imploding and it could take down other countries in europe.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)they'd fight on the side of the cops. Please make note of this group's description at the top of the forum in the alert:
"Individuals who post messages contrary to a particular group's stated purpose can be excluded from posting in that group."
If you would fight with the cops against us, you are not welcome in this forum. Get out. And don't come crying to us when the cops beat you as well. You are an offense to all freedom fighters and oppressed peoples suffering under the lash. You are out of order.