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Last edited Wed Sep 26, 2012, 04:42 PM - Edit history (1)

(17,258 posts)I have no answers for you, I don't know what to say to make you feel better. Your feelings are very real and sound almost debilitating. You need your rest and you're not getting it and that make the whole situation worse.
I am so very sorry
(20,582 posts)I know you're having an awful time, too and appreciate you taking the time to reply. It does mean a lot to hear from people who understand that it just doesn't go any good to hear 'get over it'. If we could make things better, we would ... it's just all in figuring out how not to have it be so bad. I try to get through it day by day, but this one isn't looking good. I just want for one day to feel like things are going to be alright again and without him, I just can't see a way. Sorry, I'm probably making people here feel worse by posting this, sometimes it does just help to get it out. Peace to you.
(17,258 posts)it does help to get it out and sometimes it helps pull it out of other people too.
I've a double whammy today. Surgery yesterday causing a lot of pain etc etc and the 15th anniversary of my Mum's death. We never get over it .. never. Oh it gets 'different' some days but we never get over it.
Some days you're going to feel really good about the way things are going for you at that moment and then the next? Wham... it hits you again. You'll be stronger though, through it all you will be stronger.
Don't you think he would want you to be ok? I'm sure my Mum would want me ok too ... we can try and cry and try some more.
Always, I and many others are here for you Polly.
I'm sorry if this post doesn't make a bunch of sense ... drugs y'know.
(20,582 posts)I hope they've given you some effective meds to help control it. And I'm so sorry about your Mum. These anniversaries are so hard, and I hope you have someone around you to help you with all this. You're so right about the 'wham' hitting you, I feel it all the time, but yesterday at an Envision consult the woman asked about my Dad and I couldn't even speak it hurt so much. Yet she was so kind and easy to talk to. Maybe next time. I really do think he would want us all to be ok, it's just that I can't even think of that yet. All that goes through my mind is the torment he must have been feeling. Thank you ... all ... for being here. It helps more than you know. Rest up and heal! I hope the pain lessens very soon.
p.s. you make more sense on meds than I do without!
(23,315 posts)
You will always miss your Dad, but he will continue to live in your heart and mind. Please let the good memories of timew with your Dad come back and I promise that they will wash away the physical, emotional and mental pain you are feeling right now. It does get easier with time.
I'm sorry I just checked into our group today and am so late in replying to your post. Thinking about you now and hoping your day is better today. One day at a time.
(35,734 posts)so often i feel so down and low
i haven't gone through any counseling although i sure as heck needed/need it, and haven't had taken any meds for depression (in part for financial reasons and in part because of the work that i do) but who knows if it would have helped anyway.
so often i would just like to curl up and hide under the covers and cry myself to sleep.
my mom used to tell me that when her dad died she used to think: who am i going to talk to? who's going to explain things to me?
that's how i feel about losing her. i talk to her a lot. sometimes i hear her voice in my head responding, or chuckling, or making suggestions, comments, etc. i was talking to her earlier, on a major crying jag when suddenly i stopped crying ("on a dime" and felt comforted, good, at peace, even a bit happy. when those moments happen i believe that she's with me, talking to me, touching me and subconsciously i feel her or hear her.
i suppose not every one who loves so much goes through the pain and anguish that some of us do. i'm not sure what determines how some people are more easily able to "get over it" and "move on" than others. but for those of us who experience a prolonged grief (i'm coming up on three years) it is the most difficult thing in the world. and, at times, my heart, too, feels as if it is literally breaking. as with your dad, my mom was my best friend and the one person i could count on for anything and everything. we were together for fifty years--how do you say goodbye? you don't. you can't. at least i can't. i know i'll see her again, i know we'll be together again--it's just this time in between that is the hardest to get through.
i imagine having to cope with the way your dad left this world makes it all the more difficult. and i'm so sorry you are going through this pain. and i imagine he is sorry you are going through this as well. he sounds like a great guy and because of that his intention was never to hurt you or make you suffer. and you know that. and because you know that it makes him all the more precious to you which only makes you sadder for his passing. it's a tremendous sorrow you carry.
one of the hardest challenges in life--for you and for me--and for anyone going through the loss of a beloved--is to go through and experience everything we are going through and experiencing. of course i'd rather not--i'd rather just go back in time to when life was normal, and wonderful. but i can't. my mom always said: "you can never go back." truer words were never spoken.
it amazes me to realize how much love people are capable of feeling. not just the happy, euphoric type of love but the deep-seated, deeply rooted love we carry in our souls--love that transcends everything.
take care.
(73,248 posts)after her being gone for the last 7 years. I think I was doing better for a while, but I went into a depression and am struggling again.
Sorry I have no advice, but I wanted to you to know that you are not alone.
(17,258 posts)polly7
(20,582 posts)back to for some reason. I'm doing ok, nothing's changed but I guess I just need to find a way to live with it better. I want to thank you all for such kind words and wishes, and I sincerely hope your struggles with your own grief are lessened as time goes on. My heart goes out to you .. reading your stories I can feel how much you loved and miss those you've lost. Take good care of yourselves,
(17,258 posts)We do care and if it helps to post here then please do.