Heaven Slides To Sixth Place In Annual Quality Of Afterlife Rankings

Heaven Slides To Sixth Place In Annual Quality Of Afterlife Rankings
WASHINGTONDropping to its lowest position in thousands of millennia, the everlasting paradise of Heaven reportedly slid to sixth place in the 2017 Annual Quality of Afterlife Rankings released Tuesday. For a long time, Heaven easily topped the list of places for souls to settle down after death, but its been steadily overtaken by afterworlds such as Valhalla, Nirvana, and even Aaru, the Egyptian Field of Reeds, which wasnt even among the top 10 last year, read the report, citing Heavens outdated firmament infrastructure and potholed clouds, aging and often dilapidated palaces infested with cherubs, and overall lack of opportunity that leaves perfectly healthy angels idly playing harps all day. Interestingly, while Heaven continues trending downward, Hellonce widely considered to be too hot and demon-ridden to even be considered an option for eternityhas edged up to the 35th spot on the list, most notably for its addition of a scenic riverwalk. Topping this years list was the blissful hereafter of Elysium, while being reincarnated and returning to Earth remained at the very bottom, a spot it has occupied since the rankings began.
Ooohhh, a new scenic riverwalk in hell, that definitely beats reincarnation.