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Christian Writer: Climate Change Is Harmless Because God Promises Us Good
July 13, 2017 by Hemant Mehta
Want to know why Christianity shouldnt be taken seriously? Because believers use their faith to justify the worst kinds of thinking.
Like Joy Overbeck, who says climate change cant possibly be real because God would never do that to us.
God is likely very pro-carbon since the coal, oil, gas, and water power He gave us took His humans out of their caves and huts, transforming their meager camping-out-all-the-time existence into the miracle of modern prosperity. Carbon fuels have introduced us, via electricity, to the joys of cooking, heating, air conditioning, dishwashers, microwaves, flat screen TVs, computers, and car road trips, to name just a few.
But I dont think God is in favor of the renewable energy of wind and solar because turbines and solar collectors are murder machines for the precious birds that God wants us to protect. Millions of them have been sliced and diced by the turbines and scorched to death by solar panels. Big problem, greenies. Plus they need carbon fuel back-up.
To believe global warming will destroy the planet you have to believe that God placed a carbon poison pill in His creation that would lead to human prosperity and then to human annihilation. But God promises us good, not malevolence. So we answer: The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. Psalm 24:1 And were good with that.
Or and stick with me here God doesnt exist and everything Overbeck just said is complete nonsense.
Sure, you could say that we should care about the environment because God gave it to us and were responsible for it. But leave it to religion to convince some people that we can ruin our own planet because God would never get upset about us using His resources It apparently never occurred to Overbeck that using the sun for energy is taking advantage of Gods gifts.
By her logic, we should just start punching ourselves in the face repeatedly because God gave us our bodies and He would never let us get hurt too badly.
And we wouldnt want to hurt the birds with our solar energy! Better to focus on fossil fuels and kill the sea creatures affected by oil spills.
(228 posts)Of how we destroy God's gifts.
(1,257 posts)The wilful destruction and greedy exploitation of the the natural world is quite possibly one of the greatest "sins" there is.
Typical Christian hypocrisy.
(41,575 posts)it won't matter how we have destroyed Earth because God and Jesus is going to take all the believers to Paradise.
Yep. This is what they believe.
(22,629 posts). . .when they find out that just ain't gonna happen.
(13,774 posts)They play to whichever side suits their sales pitch. But the "use it up because Jesus is coming and it doesnt matter" is the most prominent argument and the one that dominates among the dominionists who make up the old tea party faction in government. The "use it up" version matches the bible texts more closely if you can overlook all the contradictions.
This guy takes the "soft were the hands of Jesus" approach.
A bunch of dangerous, manipulative, selfish, aggrandizing bullshit.
(28,270 posts)"Climate change cant possibly be real because God would never do that to us."
Needless to say, we don't get along well.