Atheist Delivers Invocation in DeLand (FL): We Hold Dignity In Our Own Hands
Atheist Delivers Invocation in DeLand (FL): We Hold Dignity In Our Own Hands
July 8, 2017 by Hemant Mehta
This week, Athena Jeanne Hale delivered an atheist invocation during a meeting of the DeLand City Council in Florida.
She reminded the council members that their job was to create as much good as possible for the individual citizens of DeLand and the general public.
Athena told me she believes shes the first openly trans person to give a Humanist invocation in the state. Even if shes not, it was a wonderful speech and one more cities ought to hear.
Incidentally, the Central Florida Freethought Community is organizing several more of these invocations all over the state. You can see their running list along with a compilation of transcripts of secular invocations around the country...