Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumWhat I learned on DU today
Ugly people and hookers cannot be sexually assaulted.
Sexual assault is worse if you look like a "charmer," a "sweet girl," or a "lovely person."
If you look like a hooker then...hey...all bets are off.
what's can't thread a moving needle? Can't rape the unwilling? How can a hooker be raped when she gives it away all day long? etc etc.
If a man typed that, however the Sisters of the Perpetually Outraged would be on that like flies on shit. A woman says it and...crickets.
sickening shit here these days, folks.

Solly Mack
(94,348 posts)I just don't understand that thinking.
(113,131 posts)Women say it because they want to believe it can't happen to them.
Both are dead wrong.
I had a 19 years old tell me how it couldn't possibly happen to her because she was a good girl.
(18,312 posts)Is that it came from a woman who admits to being old enough to know better
Solly Mack
(94,348 posts)Look at all the evidence you've have to deny to believe like that.
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)The "ugly" thing is new. But, I have heard here that men can't be raped by women, and my "favorite" (heavy ) is that gay/bi men cannot be raped, except by heterosexual men, and even then it is questionable as to if it is actually rape. Those claims were also made by women. I have seen one male make a similar comment about gay men eons ago (DU2), but I can't remember who, but I do think he was banned before DU3, which means he could be back.
As for rape against sex workers, sadly, I have seen both men and women make those comments here (and other allegedly liberal/progressive) sites. Much less common, and I can only remember a few instances, and usually the reaction was brutal, were a few who didn't think spouses could be raped.
(PS, I also think you meant to say others were claiming "Can't rape the willing?", not "unwilling".)
(4,261 posts)We were told how special and gifted the victims were.
All the time I was wondering, what if they weren't so special?
Do we mourn them less?
Were there lives less worthy?
Should the shooter get less jail time if they weren't pretty/smart?
Am I alone in this?
mr blur
(7,753 posts)Even the church shooting (which was, of course, appalling) was made to seem worse because the victims were praying and 'worshipping'. So what? Would it have been less obscene if they'd been playing cards? Watching a porn movie?