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mr blur
(7,753 posts)but remembers to send an angel to watch. Creepy.
I don't know why that doesn't occur to some people. :-/
Arugula Latte
(50,566 posts)I do believe there are all sorts of ways to manipulate photos digitally these days.
Also, I do believe that people who believe this shit is "real" are dumber than a box of Palins.
Well said.
(34,582 posts)I am stealing that
(20,018 posts)Ghost of ancient tribal warrior in battle mask, maybe.
(7,886 posts)I don't even believe in them.
mountain grammy
(27,576 posts)What a bunch of nonsense.
(18,219 posts)that you need to rethink your FB friends list too. Of course, so do I, since I get too many of this sort of crap as well. The things I tolerate to keep in touch with some people!!
Binkie The Clown
(7,911 posts)with a bogosity index that's off the charts.
Anyone who takes this bogus photo as evidence of anything other than a dishonest photographer needs his/her head examined.
Either that, or faries are real too:
(And for what it's worth, I'm pretty sure I recognize the picture of Jesus & Angel that was amateurishly superimposed in that photo. I know I've seen that pose somewhere before.)
(17,505 posts).... in drops of moisture on a camera lens and lens flares.
What else is there to this?
(51,078 posts)