Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumThe outrage junkies and the anoint Hillary crowd are working overtime.
It's the 2008 election cycle all over again.
"Hillary WILL be the nominee so if ANYONE says ANYTHING negative about her the Democratic Party is DOOMED!" (paraphrasing only slightly)
Don't so much as wince when Hillary wears her religion on her sleeve or the two groups will join to form the perfect storm.
"OMG - Tom Tomorrow is being CONTROVERSIAL!?!?!"
"OMG - The Rude Pundit is being RUDE!?!?!"
I've served on 4 juries in the last 24 hours and everyone of the alerts was a bullshit attempt to silence discussion about the rude one.
I served as a real juror once in an attempted murder trial and came home exhausted and completely disillusioned with the jury system so I guess I shouldn't be surprised when the DU jury system lets me down.
(28,151 posts)All that shit stays out there. Some of my beloved fellow AA participants hold very different views than I on some things political but none of that matters in here. Thank god!
(3,538 posts)but the dirty old bastard has never said "your welcome", not once.
mr blur
(7,753 posts)We've got your back.
(9,356 posts)![](/emoticons/evilgrin.gif)
Maybe most of us get enough drama at other places on the internet. I sure do.
Every once in a while in here I'll start to say something contrary and stop myself. That can probably be seen as "cowardly self-censorship." But it's often a poster otherwise I like and respect. I tend to shrug and say "Nobody's ever going to agree with me on everything and they shouldn't." So it's a form of cowardly self-censorship I can live with.
Totally off-topic: I'm sitting here watching Al-Jazeera America, which is showing the 2012 documentary "Money For Nothing: Inside The Federal Reserve." Fascinating. Mostly an analysis of the 2008 crash and the historical Fed policies that led to it.
Well, maybe not totally off-topic: Alan Greenspan is often described as a "disciple" of Ayn Rand.
(28,151 posts)I do a bit of self-censorship too. But I still know I'm always right, I just don't always have time to make all aware of it.
(9,796 posts)And I cannot get Free Speech TV on my cable system.
(13,029 posts)The election is still more than two years away, and the primaries more than a year and a half. Better hunker down, because it's going to be a shitstorm out there in GD as things get closer.
(49,533 posts)It's gonna get nasty.
Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)There's a nasty authoritarian streak running through GD that I don't like to associate with Democrats. Polls show its just a very vocal minority, though.
See also the Snowden threads to expose how its all about party label for a lot of people. There's a no doubt in my mind that a lot of people would have diametrically opposed opinions had Snowden/Greenwald happened with a Republican in the White House.
(3,538 posts)I'd like to think that the other side attracts the authoritarians while we get the independent, free-thinkers but that vocal minority makes hanging on to those thoughts a real challenge.
Unfortunately they are just as vocal in the local democratic party. They quickly shout down anyone who doesn't toe the party line.
(9,356 posts)At least according to my scientific research method of bumbling around the Internet and stumbling across stuff.
Some "liberal, free-thinking" websites are a mirror image of those on the Right, as far as the authoritarianism. The underlying message is depressingly similar - "Free speech allowed, as long as you agree with us 100%."
Somebody once posted a description of these places that made me LOL. I think it was: "This is like watching a bad play about the Bolshevik Revolution, as performed by The Muppets."
Exultant Democracy
(6,595 posts)AtheistCrusader
(33,982 posts)I can live with it if that happens, but uh.. The process hasn't even started yet.
(423 posts)and now, for some inane reason, despite abject and humiliating failure, they believe it will work this time.
Reminds me of the Santayana quote about people who are incapable of remembering the past.
(4,261 posts)All the goddy stuff will be on display by all those who want a chance at the top job. Makes me want to vomit. But, as they say "The view's nice from under the bus."
(3,538 posts)Hard to believe that this was before Bernie even joined the race.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)I read this and thought it was new.
I feel your pain, trust me.
(7,886 posts)Dude!
(22,157 posts)I didn't realize it was 2014 thread until I read skepticscott's post about the election being two years away!
(50,947 posts)Have a great weekend!
mountain grammy
(27,513 posts)all I can say is AMEN!
This could have been posted yesterday.. the more things change! The rude pundit is still rude!