Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumHistorical evidence that proves “Jesus Christ” never existed Council of Nicea The Council that created Jesus Christ
The origin of the Savior Later becoming the person worshipped today as Jesus Christ
Ptolemy 1 Meryamun Setepenre (c.a. 367-283 B.C.E- Before Common Era) (aka Soter) (Soter means savior) became the first European pharaoh of Egypt through military force led by Alexander the Greek (a.k.a Alexander the Great). When Ptolemy became pharaoh of Egypt, he wanted the Egyptians to consecrate him as a god. He wanted to be called a god because that was the title all of the pharaohs of Egypt were called prior to him. However, the people of Egypt refused to call him a god because they knew the only reason he became a pharaoh was through force, so in 305 BC -Ptolemy took the title of Pharaoh, taking the Egyptian name Meryamun Setepenre, which means Beloved of Amun (Amun means God) Chosen of Ra(Ra means God), and because of the Egyptians refusal to acknowledge him as a God, he began killing the people of Egypt, which caused the Egyptian priests at Memphis to give into his request by agreeing to consecrate him to priesthood, in order to save their own lives.
The key words in the above passage to keep in mind during your reading: Meryamun, Setepenre, Soter, which are words that were used to create the fictitious character of JESUS CHRIST in AD by Roman Emperor Constantine (Meryamun, Setepenre, Soter were used in B.C). The images of Ptolemy below, which are similar to the images that are depicted as Jesus today, were forced upon the Africans and were ordered to be worshipped by the people of Rome. Let us continue to A.D.
serapis 2jesus
Serapis Christus Greco Roman c.a 135 B.C.E. The marble image in the London museum is the image they use of Christ (Jesus) today. Christus was also the nickname for Serapis.
What is Serapis? (Origin of JESUS CHRIST)
Ptolemys rule was to create a deity that would be worshipped by both the Egyptians and the Greeks. He created Serapis , the made up Graeco-Egyptian god that was invented in the 3rd century B.C., portrayed as Greek in appearance, but with Egyptian accessories, representing both wealth and resurrection.
Egypt, which you commended to me my dearest Servianus, I have found to be wholly fickle and inconsistent and continually wafted about by every breath of fame. The worshippers of Serapis here are called Christians and those who are devoted to the god Serapis (I find) call themselves Bishops of Christ. Hadrian to Servianus 134 AD.
(21,046 posts)No historical record of Jesus.
We know about Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperors (learned about them in Latin class) and lots of people who existed during that time and before, because they wrote and were written about by their contemporaries.
Besides, we don't know if he was siding with the Peoples' Front of Judea, or the Judean Peoples' Front. More research and scholarship is needed.
(13,774 posts)There's other excellent arguments based on documents that support this take on the non existence of the Jesus of the bible, monks claiming the advantages of preserving the Christian church even if they have to lie, forge, or doctor older historic documents. See, Eusebius Pamphili, a Roman historian (c. AD 263339) His Book Evangelical Preparation:
"It may be lawful and fitting to use fictions [falsehood] as a medicine, and for the benefit of those [Christians] who want to be deceived." The list goes on but biblical literalists still hold on to the doctored historical records of Josephus and that's about all they have.
Thanks for this interesting approach.
(9,116 posts)There very likely was a man named Yeshua bar Yosef living in 1st Century Judea (seeing as these were two of the most popular names in that time and place), and he very well may have ministered and been crucified for it. But is that guy the same Jesus described in the New Testament? Seems unlikely, I would say.
(49,533 posts)that none of this matters. They have their faith, facts be damned.
(17,505 posts)But it is true the historical Jesus is really of no importance. It's an IDEA of someone/something Jesus-like.
This is why literalists are such wankers. But all that ritual and theater and stuff seems to be important to too many religionists of all stripes.
(9,356 posts)1. (Soter means savior...
Yes, but nothing to do with religion in this case. Ptolemy I earned the title "savior" from the citizens of Rhodes, after he lifted a siege against that city in 311 BCE. Though the earliest mention of "soter" is on coins minted by his son, Ptolemy II in 263 BCE. So we may be seeing some Ptolemaic propaganda at work here. And the Ptolemy family were absolute masters of propaganda.
2. When Ptolemy became pharaoh of Egypt, he wanted the Egyptians to consecrate him as a god.
According to some historians, Ptolemy didn't even want to be a Pharaoh. He seems to have been a very down-to-earth fellow for the most part; after all, he spent most of his life as a soldier.
IIRC, Ptolemy ruled Egypt for about 10 years before he even took the title of Pharaoh. And some historians say he only did it then at the urging of the Egyptian priests.
Like all clergy everywhere in history, the priests were worried about their jobs. Go mucking about with the religious system and the clergy can end up unemployed. That's what got Pharaoh Akhenaton in trouble centuries earlier, when he tried to disestablish the old Egyptian religion and replace it with Ra, the One True Sun God. The priesthood tried to erase him completely from Egyptian history.
The part about the priests "saving their own lives" sounds like priestly propaganda. They cultivated VERY close ties to the Ptolemy family right from the start. e.g., a later High Priest married the daughter of Ptolemy VIII.
What amazes me about Serapis: he was a totally made-up god and everybody knew it. But within a couple hundred years, the worship of Serapis had spread all over the Mediterranean area. As I've often griped in here - we humans are so gullible, sometimes I'm amazed we ever made it out of the caves. (And I'm as gullible as anyone else, in case you wondered.)
3. ...and because of the Egyptians refusal to acknowledge him as a God, he began killing the people of Egypt.
Well, that's not very fair and balanced! Actually he was putting down a revolt in Upper (southern) Egypt, led by local wanna-be Pharaohs. Fascinating (to me anyway) because it was one of the first guerilla wars in history.
The link below explains the whole thing, but look where the trouble started again:
Temples are not only religious institutions for the cult of the gods, but also economic organizations and wheels in the administrative machine. There is no opposition between church and state, as with pope and emperor in Medieval Europe, but the temples were part of the organization of the state. In the South of Egypt the king collects his taxes through the temples: a large part of the land in Upper Egypt nominally belongs to the gods. The farmers who cultivate this land pay part of the produce to the local temple. Here it is used for the cult of the gods (and for the wages of the priests)...
The Romans learned a lesson from all that priestly politicking. When they finally took over Egypt, they eliminated the office of High Priest.
4. Finally...honest! Somebody needs to do a TV series based on the Ptolemies, something like "Game of Thrones" or "The Borgias." What a fascinating crew!
Especially the women, who unfortunately all had the same 3 names over 300 years of history: Arsinoe, Berenike and Cleopatra.
Well, except for poor old Ptolemais, the daughter of Ptolemy I. At a young age she was betrothed to Demetrius Poliorcetes, a/k/a "The City-Smasher" or "Besieger." Demetrius kept getting into wars with Ptolemais' father, so she had a very long engagement - one that lasted until Demetrius had married 4 other wives (and got himself into a juicy scandal with a young boy, Democles the Handsome.)
See what I mean? Any DU'ers in the TV biz, get cracking on this!
(102,960 posts)It's a rambling piece that leaves out huge chunks of the history of Christianity and is, frankly, bunk. Jesus is mentioned in a papyrus dated at 100-150 AD:
Or there are the Christian writings, outside the bible, that are dated to the 2nd century AD: ( & ), plus many more.
This doesn't prove that Jesus existed; but it does prove that people were calling Jesus 'Christ' over 100 years before Constantine. The claim that it wasn't until the 4th century that someone identified Jesus as 'Christ' is just wrong.
Heather MC
(8,084 posts)Heather MC
(8,084 posts)LiberalAndProud
(12,799 posts)I had the sense that there was a certain cherry picking of facts to reach the desired conclusion, but hadn't gotten around to looking further. Appreciate the links.
(1 post)This article is very misleading in part. It is correct in stating that "Jesus Christ" never existed as he was created at the Council of Nicea and was not the true Messiah. Ptolemy did create the false image of himself as Jesus Christ. Pope Alexander VI commissioned Leonardo DaVinci to paint a picture of his son Caesare Borgia, which was another false image of the Messiah. This pic was circulated throughout the world to deliberately misrepresent the Messiah. Messiah did exist, but His name was NOT Jesus Christ. This is the Greek used to misrepresent and comes from the Greek word Christos meaning "anointed". If one examines the Hebrew text, His name was NEVER Jesus, but YESHUA HaMaschiach. Yeshua HaMaschiach did exist and is not a mythological person. Yeshua's early ministry was dedicated solely to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. Yeshua did not bring a new religion known as Christianity. In fact, there was no religion known as Christianity until much later in Antioch when His disciples became known as Christians. Yeshuah's followers were Messiah followers, whether Israelite or Gentile. Yeshua claimed to be the Messiah, the Lord, the Anointed One, and the unique Divine Son of The Living YAHWEH, pre-existent, and one with the Father! All the fake pictures of a European, with long blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and handsome are not a true depiction of the Messiah. The Messiah was a short, Black Hebrew man, a Rabbi with short hair because long hair was forbidden, and not handsome. Isaiah 53:2..."He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him nothing in his appearance that we should desire him." During the Renaissance Period, all art depicting brown or Black people was ordered to be destroyed so that no one, they thought, would know that Messiah was a Black Hebrew Israelite. However, throughout Italy and Poland, the Black Madona and Messiah remained. In fact, the Vatican has one in their chapel that the Pope prays to and venerates daily just as they venerate in Italy and Poland. The Council of Nicea, Constantine and the Roman Catholic Church were complicit in creating the mythological Jesus. It was Caesare Borgia, Leonardo Davinci's lover and Pope Alexander's illegitimate son who murdered his brother Giovanni. The Wisdom of Solomon scriptures prophesies about the false statues and pictures as follows: Chapter 14:8;10,12, 15...(here portrays Pope Alexander's son's death) 16... (this is the image that Pope Alexander had commissioned by DaVinci), 17..(pic spread through out Europe) 19...(Pope desired to please Constantine) 20...(pic was deified as god)...21 ( opportunity to deceive the world).....all prophesied. This book was removed from the King James version at the behest of the Vatican and was printed b4 the Catholic Church's Latin Vulgate Bible in order to hide the deception. In conclusion, no Jesus Christ never existed, but Yeshua HaMaschiach did. Shalom, Shalom.
(24,679 posts)Are a thing
(49,533 posts)edhopper
(35,350 posts)sounds like a cool car or superhero.
(50,932 posts)Sounds like a snake. Or a cocktail.
This would make a great label on a bottle of liquor
(35,350 posts)Quiet, he's on a roll.
(49,533 posts)Now I haz a sad.