Seekers on Unique Paths
Related: About this forumI'll begin to believe in a "Male Creator God" when the first man has delivered a baby.

(853 posts)And?
(785 posts)We have become so used to patriarchal thinking we don't see how UNNATURAL it idea of a Male Creator God is. When have men EVER given birth to a child? What is the real meaning of the word "Creator"?
(853 posts)But I'd think Deity would be more akin to having male AND females aspects; women generally don't give birth to a child without having been impregnated in some way by a man.
Have patriarchal theologies disporportionately dominated this planet for the past 3 millenia? Absolutely, yes. That doesn't take away the fact that it generally takes 2 to tango.
Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)Lyrics
Must have been late after noon
I could tell by how far the child's shadow stretched out
And he walked with a purpose in his sneakers down the street
He had many questions like children often do
He said, "Tell me all your thoughts on God
And tell me, am I very far?"
Must have been late after noon
On our way, the sun broke free of the clouds
We count only blue cars skip the cracks in the street
And ask many questions like children often do
We said, "Tell me all your thoughts on God
'Cause I'd really like to meet her.
And ask her why we're who we are."
Tell me all your thoughts on God
'Cause I'm on my way to see her
So tell me, am I very far
Am I very far now
It's getting cold, picked up the pace
How our shoes make hard noises in this place
Our clothes are stained, we pass many cross eyed people
And ask many questions like children often do
We said, Tell me all your thoughts on God
'Cause I'd really like to meet her
And ask her why we're who we are
Tell me all your thoughts on God
'Cause I'm on my way to see her
So tell me am I very far
Am I very far now?
Tell me all your thoughts on God
Tell me all your thoughts on God
(7 posts)I believe that the creator has no Gender, even though he is called father by many including myself.
God is a Spirit as written in New Testament (Jesus said so). That is if you want to believe the new or old Scriptures.
And for anyone seeking more, its a great thing to do so, I did. First I neutralized myself and sought the Father, and guess what happened after a few knocks on different doors?
I let you answer that.
Religion, by the way has nothing to do with finding the Father or the Creator.
Old Union Guy
(738 posts)ArtD48
(150 posts)I believe concepts of male and female gods are someone naive, even childish.
But that's just my belief.
Last edited Mon Jul 4, 2016, 11:42 AM - Edit history (1)
The entire concept of duality is limiting. As people truly evolve, they move beyond duality and into Oneness. We aren't merely connected, we are One.
Edited to add: I also don't believe the Creator (God/Spirit/Source/etc.) has any gender at all. Thinking so is very limiting. It only relates to the duality of male-female experiences here on this planet.