Prayer Circle
Related: About this forumWhat does prayer do for you?
Do you get something out of it? Does it give you peace of mind?
How do you pray and do you wish you would pray more? Do you have problems praying?
I sometimes get lazy with my prayer life and neglect it completely at times. Lent which is coming up usually pulls me back into praying more often. It is not always easy to pray especially during periods of doubt which we all get. Sometimes you wonder if anyone is listening.
But when I pray I do get a sense of peace and that someone is there watching out for me and all of us. I also get the sense God forgives me for my multiple sins and I do have many.
What is your pray life like? Remember this is posted in the prayer circle.

(12,521 posts)randr
(12,521 posts)I may have been a bit rash but after reading a number of posts today re: immunization deniers I have had my fill of "faith" based rationality.
(71,265 posts)randr
(12,521 posts)Sorry for the intrusion.
(71,265 posts)Thank you.
(12,403 posts)When I am blessed with prayer of this kind I find myself empty of anxieties and worries. It is not that they have disappeared but they are not ruining and running my life. There is peace that peace described in the Bible as a peace that knows no understanding. I tend not to pray for things in my life but I do intercede for others and have asked others here as well to intercede for me.
I sometimes get lazy with my prayer life and neglect it completely at times.
Yeah, me too.
(71,265 posts)Mine is more of a keep watch over me type of prayer.
(12,403 posts)This is a repetitive prayer that you link to your breath.
On the in breath, "O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God," on the exhale, "have mercy on me, a sinner."
After several minutes this will clear the mind of unnecessary worries.
Have you ever tried the Divine Office the Liturgy of the Hours. Here's a link to an online Church of England site:
I use this site which is roman Catholic. It is very similar but follows the calendar of our church honor saints and feasts you may not be familiar with.
I wouldn't want to corrupt you with my R.C.ways. but I do sense that you have a good relationship with God and desire an even greater one.