Related: About this forumMuslim Duers, I come to ask a question
inspired by this thread
What I am interested in is hearing Muslims refute the point of view in this, and I am sure there are plenty here that can. How off is the point of view of the person?

(53,061 posts)For the same reason I would find it offensive if you were to ask a Jewish person to respond to an idiotic statement made by a Jew or Christian by a Christian, Buddhist by a Bhuddhist.
Lots of men say that it is the womans fault that they raped because of the way they dressed.
Should you then be called upon to answer that because you are a male?
The simple answer to what you are asking is that true Islam teaches respect and what may have been a suitable age 500 years ago in a rural area would not apply to day. In my interactions with Muslims, my brother and sister in law are Muslims, I find that they are much more family and clan oriented and that if someone would want to date their daughter they wouldn't do it via facebook but do it in a way that the parents would respect, and I don't know any Muslims who would think it appropriate for a 17 year old to have sex with a 13 year old.
(13,792 posts)but rather because I knwo some of the liberals are here, they could go ahead an refute the nonsense better than I could.
(53,061 posts)actions of an idiot in that group creates a framing that puts the people in that group on the defensive.
There is a pretty significant trend in America among successful and wealthy men to jettison their wives(who spent a decade or more helping them accumulate their wealth) after they hit 40 and saddle them with 90% of the child rearing headaches while they rebrand themselves and pick up a young trophy wife in their 20s. This trend is a much more substantial one than the criminal one you site.
I presume that you are an American male. How would you like the question framed in such a way that you are expected to answer for that behavior.
Moreover I just find it really odd that you would ever find yourself in a situation where you would be in a situation where an obscure story from England is brought up in conversation. If that does happen you can simply say "Sounds like criminal behavior to me and there are people in every group that commits crimes and then misuse their traditions to cover for it. I bet that guy doesn't even go to a mosque. There are a million Muslims in Michigan and I never hear of any of them use Islam to justify that behavior although we have people in Utah and Arizona who call themselves Christians and Mormons and openly state that their religion expects them to marry women about that age. Doesn't mean that either Mormons or Christians in general approve of that practice."
(13,792 posts)The idea was to counterbalance what has already been said by Islamphobes with quotes from Muslims saying "this is wrong because of blah blah" nice quotable stuff that is in discussions because, it is given by muslims about themselves..That is what this board is for, where people actually communicate information that they would not otherwise get.
As for as your straw man, I would say the simple fact "most of us who see that laugh at these old dodders, who, unfortunately, manage to stay on the tube because they are rich."
Furthermore, you do damned well, that Obscure stories are brought up against Muslims, especially as there are people on both sides of the divide "both fascists like Nick Clegg) and a small vocal Right wing Muslims faction that gets on the tube. But suppressing discussion with a "thou shalt not" does not silence things.
(11,365 posts)I mean the "I didn't know the law" plea isn't actually a defense.
He obviously is referring to things he heard other knuckle heads say and has no idea what Islam says about these things in reality.
(1,895 posts)To compare this idiot with the whole of the Muslim world is just plain crude bias. It would be as if you were to look at the Westboro Baptist Church, and use that to judge all Christians.
Of course there are many interpretations of the religion. I would suggest reading some of Riffat Hassan's works to get a better view.
I'm quite sick of this disgusting Islamaphobia. I've lived through the HUAC days...they did it to the goes on and on. Muslims are the "choice" of the day.
Can we get real here?
(36,174 posts)The question's as offensive as wandering into any other safe haven group and demanding that for example, women, Jews, or African Americans refute the words of some extremist nut-job who just happens to be a woman, Jew or African American. Maybe you should wander over to the Christians and demand that they refute the ugly crap from Westboro Baptist Church, seeing as how they're Christians as well?
(13,792 posts)and indeed, they should refute them, just as many Catholics need to refute the Vatican (former catholic here).
The whole point of the thread was to allow Muslims who did not agree with the statements, like many of the Muslims we know, to have their voice heard, to put in black and white, what they tell me in private. Because if you do not refute those who claim to speak for you, you end up lettimg them be your voice.
Sand Wind
(1,573 posts)You must know that like in the christian world, there Is not an uniform interpretation of what Is Islam in the so-called " islam world"'.
So who know exactly what he learn in that's specific mandrasa. Some of them are rule by really stupid peoples. And some are really dangerous.
But that being said, It appear to me that his lawer is playing on some bias of your cultur against muslim to make a point on the attenuating circonstances perspective. Because as someone said early, he Is supposed to know the law.
Also, even If he study in a really mysogenic mandrasa, he would had learn then that the punishment against adultery Is not good at all. And to sleep with a girl witch Is not married to you Is adultery.
Also, for this really mysogenic mandrasa, to sleep to with a young girl witch who you are not married Is also thievery, and a famely honnor thievery, and that's could mean a really bad punishment for the one who do that.
But as I said, its probably just a lawer strategy.
(13,792 posts)AsI said, my intention was not to insult, but give Muslims the chance to say "actually, here's the facts"
Response to DonCoquixote (Original post)
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