(Jewish Group) Poll shows abortion, fears for democracy are driving Jews to favor Democrats in Nov.
A poll showed that the Supreme Courts removal of abortion protections and concerns about democracy are driving Jewish turnout in November, which will favor Democrats substantially.
The poll released Thursday by the Jewish Electorate Institute, a body with a board made up of prominent Jewish Democrats, found that 70% of Jewish voters favored Democrats in the midterm congressional elections, while 24% favored Republicans.
Asked to select from a list the two issues most important to them as they considered their vote, 45% of respondents listed fears about democracy as one of the issues, and 38% listed the courts reversal of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision guaranteeing a right to an abortion.
Respondents were highly motivated to vote, the poll found; 9.3 was the mean in responses to a question measuring motivation with 0 as not motivated and 10 as extremely motivated. Asked if the abortion reversal motivated them to vote, 56% of respondents overall said it made them more motivated, with 44% saying it made them much more motivated. That tracks with data showing voter registration among women climbing dramatically after the courts reversal.