An excerpt from a book about Freemasonry.
I recently became a Mason and attained full membership with the completion of the third degree, the Master Mason degree. There are other degrees in Masonry, but the first three are considered to be the most important, and completion of subsequent degrees does not confer greater status within the fraternity. All those who have completed the first three degrees are considered "on the level." No matter a man's status in society outside of the lodge, all of those within are truly seen as equals.
Some Christians are suspicious of the Masons and think that the fraternity undermines religion. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fraternity actually has the effect of deepening a man's faith in his chosen religion for most members. For most Masons in America that faith is Christianity.
I'm currently reading a book that expands on and explains the symbolism of the first three degrees. I can't really talk about the rituals of the degrees, but I can relay what is said in this book because it has been made available to the public. The book is called Introduction to Freemasonry by Carl H. Claudy. The following passage is in a section describing the symbolism of the first degree and illustrates the deep faith in one's God often inspired by Masonry:
"Truly it does not lie in man to direct his path, and without a true and trusted friend in whom we can confide, not one of us would find his way home. So Masonry teaches us, simply but unmistakably, at the first step as at the last, that we live and walk by faith, not by sight; and to know that fact is the beginning of wisdom. Since this is so, since no man can find his way alone, in life as in the lodge we must in humility trust our Guide, learn His ways, follow Him and fear no danger. Happy is the man who has learned that secret."
The Guide he is referring to is, of course, God.

El Supremo
(20,386 posts)Upon the level and by the square.
(19,153 posts)Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)I doubt the Masons will ever be anything other than a fraternity in that regard. Personally, I think the benefit that Masonic membership confers onto men is already known to most women. I think men are much more in need of the guidance that the fraternity offers than women.