I'm not complaining. But I don't get it.
In the past week, two phenomenal things have happened. First, I received an email from the University about a job opening in a nearby town for a public entity. It looked good, so I sent my resume. I got an instant reply from them, went in and interviewed, and got the job. It is a job that has benefits and pays the same as I am getting now, but has a possible future for me for promotion. Then, yesterday, I got an email from my University department head (I'm a Ph.D. student) telling me about an assistantship opening, and I sent an email to the prof. offering it and got that. So now, I will not have to worry about losing my Social Security (widow's benefits) because of working full time - the assistantship will make up the difference.
So what happened? Why two wonderful things in one week?
And, on top of that, my love life is really good right now.
Oh, and here's another - my current boss found a replacement for me in one day and I'm already training her. Talk about fortune.
Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket?
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)So very Happy for you, Pink Tiger!!!
(2,593 posts)It's been a terrible year, with my husband dying in January and having to deal with the aftermath. So having good things happen is almost unbelievable to me. Before this happened, I performed a ritual cleansing of my house and put salt in the corners. Also, I began to have an amazing amount of energy and started blogging again. If you want to read my blog, it is http://www.faroutfarm.wordpress.com
(38,390 posts)I'm happy for you. Maybe you're on the right path and that is why things are going so easily and well for you? That's what I like to think, anyway.
(29,414 posts)Maybe a couple of scratch-offs, too. Oh, and get that full reading from Rick Or do that first and then the lottery Congratulations on all of your good fortune!
I had to laugh, though. Only on DU would we "complain" about or question good tidings
It's all good. Keep it going and pay it forward or just do something good for someone else without prompting.
Once I can clear the junk away from the corners here, I'd like to try that bit with the salt. I might have to put something on it to keep my cat from getting into it, but I'm sure that's doable.
Oh, one other thing. If you like, post your blog to this thread (http://www.democraticunderground.com/12205598) It's okay to resurrect it here, as it's a repository for our members' blogs
Yes, I'm definitely getting that reading from Rick - and I'm going to pay it forward a bunch. Thanks again for your kind gift. It was exactly what I needed, and I think it put my head in a good place for a change.
As for questioning, you have to understand this has been such a horrible few years. I had given up hope a few times. But, now here I am. I'm grateful. And I've been spending a lot of time expressing my gratitude to the Universe for my good fortune.
(29,414 posts)It was pretty spontaneous of me, though I was glad I could help, even if only a little. Perhaps it added some spontaneity to your good fortune, too.
I read a little of your blog, too, grimacing at the injuries you sustained while visiting Humble. I haven't been up that way in a while, but have known a few people (including a former boss) that lived up there. Next time you visit Houston, let me know. I know a few other places to visit, including those venues where friends put on belly dance shows
(6,460 posts)Thank you for sharing this good news with us!
(2,593 posts)Thanks for reading it.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)you will co-create the positive.
Everyone who has decried and despaired of living on Earth because being good and positive just didn't work, didn't "stick" when the effort was put in, now gets to choose releasing all of that and living how it should be, how you know deep inside it should be.
Of course the old society based upon fear never taught how to live in joy because joy obsoletes fear. It may take a little getting used-to, that this is not only possible but completely deserved.
It doesn't hurt to thank the Source which is co-creating with and for you
(2,593 posts)Whenever I commune with the Universe, I aways give thanks first.
Sanity Claws
(22,072 posts)You deserve this!
You now have two offers in front of you. Can you accept only one? If so, do you see yourself at a fork in the road? Any idea of how to decide which one to accept?
I'm just wondering whether the Universe is offering you a choice as to how you want to live the rest of your life.
(2,593 posts)I can do both. Will take some juggling, but I'm used to that. LOL.
The Universe may be showing me some choices, but also think showing me some opportunities I've never considered. So that is all positive.
I will keep everyone posted.
(3,794 posts)opposite Pluto, all at a right angle to Uranus in Aries
All this past week.
This transit is MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR and is starting to fade now
It is a clear sign that you are taking responsibility for your own INDEPENDENCE, you
are liberating yourself; it means you are not projecting your "stuckness" on other
people or situations
good karma
you deserve it!
the main word is LIBERATION
It's not the same for all of us
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)It is so great to see you doing well! You deserve rewards for all your hard work.
Thanks so much for sharing your good news here.
(3,794 posts)a week or two and see if you hadn't let go of some major baggage or so.
I'm collecting info like this for my next book.
(2,593 posts)There are some things I have done differently in the past few weeks.