This is the form taken by destruction.
There are two potentials depending upon our work and effort toward each: destruction or unification. Ryan is very dark and very severe. Driven, driven, driven. Busy bees like few others manage. Those who wish for unification are going to have to WORK to build it, to stop destruction from gaining power and fulfilling its intent.
I say WORK and EFFORT. Basking in light will not stop the forces of destruction. Using the light, co-creation to obsolete/deflect/disable it, will, but it requires work and effort. Although Romney/Ryan are a spearhead of these negative efforts, they are not quite like the forces behind them and also working for destruction.
Reference: 2010 when I pleaded with people to get out and vote to deflect the republicans and the rise of their corporations. This is the time of responsibility, of co-creation. Do nothing and others who are very busy will co-create the world for you, in their image.
And grow and preserve your own food. How many years do I have to recommend this before it becomes fully manifest and Imperative? PLEASE!
(3,747 posts)I feel your pain so clearly and deeply. I feel it as though it were mine and of course it is. I know that as a front line light worker, you have the most chance of burn out and hurt. Your heart is in the right place but here are some things that I have learned (and now that I'm officially old - on Medicare<yeah> - I'm passing them on.) I hope you can hear them.
1) First, put on your own oxygen mask, then help the person next to you.
2) We are all here only to fail each other.
3) We are in the hands of the Goddess and we can not fall.
4) No good deed goes unpunished.
5) We are all Buddhas and Bohdisattvas awakening to our Unborn Mind...we don't have to DO anything, we simply have to BE.
6) All actions cause Karma. How we live in each moment determines the next.
I've always thought there should be 2 additional sports added to the Olympics...Fire Walking and Thin Ice Skating.
(23,444 posts)5) We are all Buddhas and Bohdisattvas awakening to our Unborn Mind...we don't have to DO anything, we simply have to BE.
I think that is often a point of contention for those of us with similar spiritual views such as here at ASAH.
The "do'er" versus "be'er" thing.
I personally feel that there is no ultimate truth to the whole "do'er" versus "be'er" thing.
Perhaps some are here to DO and others are here to BE. I don't believe there is a blanket universal law that says we don't have to do anything but instead must simply Be. I think it's different for each soul.
I also feel no one knows for certain how the Universe works or whether there are truly any universal laws that apply to each and every human being. There seem to be so many different realities and perspectives that I personally don't know ANYTHING for sure.
I resonate more with FWWM's feeling that we must DO, though I greatly respect others, such as yourself BTTB, who advocate focusing on Being rather than Doing.
Our views about this may change repeatedly as we go through life.
I've often received the same advice as you provided here, offered with the genuine concern that we "do'ers" will burn out. We're simply all such different personality types, and, for some of us do'ers, our life force may be extinguished in many ways if we don't DO as we are led to do.
We have to Do or Be in a way that works for us as individuals and is our individual truth, at this moment in time, recognizing that it may not be another's truth, at this moment in time.
(3,747 posts)doo bee doo be do (in harmony)
You live your life and of course it involves action; but the primary (I think) point is No Rushing, No Forcing, No Struggling. If it's one of those 3, you are flowing with the universe and allowing the outside to permeate the inside. It comes with expectation, which is the source of all my misery. Being part of the whole allows one (me) to participate, but not have to be general and know all things.
Of course, JMHO and these are only words.
(23,444 posts)Even "doing" and "being" are very subjective.
Your point is well taken. I try to be mindful of doing from a place of love, not fear...with action toward something rather than against what is.
Maybe semantics to some, but it is a guiding force for me, personally.
get the red out
(13,641 posts)I've got no place to grow or store food. Must do the best I can in the world and be the best that I can in the world.
(23,444 posts)That's all any of us can do.
This whole subject gets really convoluted...what does it mean to "be" and what does it mean to "do"?
It's very subjective. To me, you DO a lot, GTRO.
I feel a strong sense of deja vu, as this is a subject that has caused me to break ranks with many "spiritual" groups to which I've belonged over the years.
I can't speak for FWWM, but when I read what he wrote, I immediately resonated. Over the decades I've met quite a few "lightworkers" who sought to "rise above" the suffering and troubles of the world...their own and others'.
They didn't want to know about anyone's suffering (and, if they did, they'd chalk it up to the people drawing the suffering to themselves and thus it's their fault). They focused on raising their vibration and just BEING. And while I was able to respect their choice to focus on their own vibration and not take a more active role in the world in a practical, down-to-earth way as I choose to do, they were very critical of people like me who choose to be activists and seek to DO things more than others to take positive action toward creating the world we choose to experience.
Honestly, I've always perceived it as very condescending. That's not what has happened here, but I'm sharing my prior experience which causes me to react to this subject the way I do.
I'm probably not explaining this well, but while I completely get the "being" and "doing" thing as BTTB described...and truly feel both ways of being in this world are of value...when someone says, "Just BE. No one needs to do anything," I have an instant negative reaction, as though people like me are being judged.
"Silly you, don't you know you don't need to DO anything? The world is perfect as it is, every thing is in divine order, it's all meant to be, yada, yada...insert platitude here."
I recognize that as my problem, not anyone else's.
I also realize that when some of us say, "We must DO something," that call to action can trigger feelings of helplessness or inadequacy in others, even though that is certainly not the intention.
Again, what the "do something" even means is very individual.
I need to make peace with this subject so I don't trigger this conversation over and over again throughout my life and upset others in the process.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)and who do not hear or feel this call, are no less and no more than any other, and are doing what they are supposed to.
These next several months are...on their way.
(23,444 posts)get the red out
(13,641 posts)The things you describe have caused me to question the validity of spirituality in general at times. I've been told so much that "nothing happens in God's world by mistake" so much that I get to the point where I either say BULL SHIT to that or believe God is sadistic as hell.
I guess my thoughts on this topic are if someone can't prepare for the end of the world, literally can't, why obsess on it? If I don't have much time I want to spend that time as normally as possible. I've wasted a lot of time obsessing on bad things that never came, can't afford that now.
But OTR, I'm right with you on the arrogant "they brought it on themselves" bit, that hits way too close to the hateful form of Christianity in vogue right now, as well as the kind of "let 'em die" nonsense we hear from the Tea Party and such. All extreme thinking comes back to the same place in the end and it isn't good.
(23,444 posts)"I guess my thoughts on this topic are if someone can't prepare for the end of the world, literally can't, why obsess on it? If I don't have much time I want to spend that time as normally as possible. I've wasted a lot of time obsessing on bad things that never came, can't afford that now."
And that's precisely why I, personally, focus on positive action. Working towards something better, rather than fighting against what is. There is a definitively different dynamic between the two, internally if nothing else.
I just grow weary of "spiritual types" telling me to stop trying to save the world, just be don't do...
I'm not trying to save the world. I'm trying to save myself, and this is how I do it. We're all different, we all do the best we can in different ways. If my way makes others feel superior -- or less than -- in some way, that's their problem. So-called spiritual types are the quickest to judge others, in my experience.
Again, that's not what happened here, but the initial conversation did trigger that push-back from me, hence my comment.
(14,353 posts)oh honey, i am so right there with you! it has been my own ;firewalk' for some time now...allowing myself to step back, or diving in where it may 'help"...ever the quandary...
one of the things I am proudest of in myself, one of the things I tell as a story to others to explain my passion...Is that when a rookie reporter in the newsroom for the first year or so...when things would come up in editorial meetings...I'd be the one stranding up saying "we have to DO something!!!" ...
and the other reporters would laugh it off as a rookie trait, but I Never lost that desire to make and impression with a story about something that MATTERED...
and on the BE-ing side of things I have been seeing the patterns in Circle, dreams and such that following my own joy is the WAY I contribute to the whole... it really IS about following my inner joy and passion for what makes me spark, because that's where I truly, and personally, can effect the outcome....well, that and a lot of prayer...and faith that it will all somehow balance out in the end....I won;t mind living in tropical weather, personally... once the planet evens out....
(23,444 posts)and agree with it wholeheartedly.
(3,747 posts)Thanks.
(23,444 posts)magical thyme
(14,881 posts)thank you so much for that!
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)This is likely Cheney's mentioned next "October Surprise". It must be eliminated. It -can- be eliminated. Compassion and the new world demand it. There are dark actions underway to sour the shift into dystopian energy. It must be countered. It -can- be countered. MORE LIGHT!
And I pity the person who can actually know my pain. Sorry
(3,747 posts)And I don't think I need pity. Your compassion, yes, for all of us.
May the supreme and precious Bodhichitta arise where it has not risen before
And where it has risen, may it not diminish
And where it has not diminished
May it flourish abundantly.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)I've surrendered and acted. The Shift requires some to act and some to be. The more light the better, but you can also send that light upon the attempted war with Iraq, the planned October Surprise, and other acts and intents of the forces of destruction. Some say the Earth shall split in December into two directions: a continued 3rd dimensional trip for those anchored in fear, and the 5th vibrational dimensional Earth for those in Joy and Love and Genius. Syntony is required to reach the higher-vibrational planet. The new general vibration available on Earth for those who seek it is wonderfully high. Working upon acting -and- being...
inner lite
(12 posts)and there was quite the story about some economic collapse eminent. I guess big shot Wall Street insiders have been dumping their stocks lately and buying up gold. Interestingly, an astroger I follow mentioned the Full Moon at the end of September and some square forming. Now I know that Full Moons are in the opposite sign of the Sun in that month, so it would be an Aries Full Moon and I am assuming they were talking about it squaring Pluto in Cap. Yikes. Perhaps this is all connected?
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)among other things...I warned here on DU for years that manipulators were working at profiting from banging around entire has been one of their securities during this time. I recommended investment in gold back in 2009 in another place. That which can be manipulated into turning a profit or sold outright for profit such as US national parks, are experiencing exactly that. Capitalism at its worst is not sustainable and must falter and be replaced by something sane and horizontal. This could occur through outright crashes or be buffered peacefully through the increasingly positive energy of co-creation (people could just realize something better is needed and create it).
Greed and selfishness, which have no place in the increasing frequencies, know the jig is up and are grabbing ever more, simply manifesting more fully what they are so that the majority may realize something better is required. The end goal is interdependency, to take care of each other, so the potential is indeed ripe for circumstances requiring people to come together to do so.
Gold etc.:
BTW, although I can do specifics, I've felt the best communication to be in regard to pointing out increasingly visible Trends in order to allow for preparation and expectation. Don't get me wrong. Things can go hella downhill before they get better, and may have to in order to demand they be made to get better. There are many forces in flux at this time, vying for power and control, as the increasing energies alienate and obsolete them.
(3,794 posts)one bookend = Reagan
he's the other
his chart is very deceptive
he's in dream land, that's why I said you have to be very careful with deluded Aquarians
they are both the same
he BELIEVES in his dream, that's downright dangerous
he's all AYN RAND
(31,559 posts)Ryan is the other. Take Ayn Rand's name. It is an anagram of And Ryan. Reagan AND RYAN.
(3,794 posts)so deluded
(5,510 posts)Both Reagan & Ryan are Aquarians.
I'm just a tad confused.....but what' new?
(3,794 posts)cannot be ignored that 28 years (one Saturn cycle) after 1980 came the crash of 2008.
Aquarians can be great as I said but can also get lost in their mental assuredness. (fixed air)
Ryan is clearly the next octave of Reagan, another cycle of THE LEFT BRAIN wins and we get deluded (some Americans anyway) again.
He deceives himself, just like Aquarians Palin and Beck (let alone Sandusky)
They APPEAR to be strong to many because their minds are so FIXED, Hell, Hitler had a fixed mind too.
That can APPEAR attractive to weaker minds.
It's really weakness to the nth degree
Ryan is one end of the bookcase Reagan started
Thank god Aquarians like FDR and Lincoln and Schultz and Olbermann have it right.
(8,423 posts)became fixed on what was really at stake instead of their own accolades?
(3,794 posts)It is in Aquarius' nature to obsess on building the big picture AS THEY SEE IT.
I believe in Beck perverse mind, as well as Palin, (they are born one day apart), that's just how they see it.
You can clearly see the wonderful nature of Aquarius's feeling for all of mankind in Ed Schultz.
Perfect example.
It takes a balanced chart, or least somewhat close to one.
Palin's SUN is too emphasized in her chart = EGO
Beck's MARS/SATURN IN AQUARIUS = being treated cruely as a child, and wanting to beat everyone up intellectually.
you cant go by the Sun sign
(5,510 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)not just a man
His trickle-down deceived the poor and middle class but achieved its results.
He was deluded in his mind because of Neptune's affect on his 2d house of money/revenue etc
He "ended" 28 years later, one Saturn Return (I'll show you what is REAL) in 2008
Now, it (the perverted lies) are resurrected by Ryana and mostly by deluded followers.
If "we" had learned our Reagain-failure-lesson, there would be no manifestation of Ryan
My perception anyway
You agree?
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Herman Cain (!) was speaking and afterward, did an interview in which he said "Raising taxes is wrong, it's been proven not to work" or extremely similar. As he was saying it, I searched up Reagan's track record (raised taxes 11 times) and PM'd it to the livestreamer. She didn't accost him with it but I would have