Anyone else feel exceptionally...
moody's not the word.... even before yet another storm!...but
That feeling like you are about to be at the the top of the roller coaster....and the panic that you don't know if you are strapped in or not...or worse, that you are so worried about all of this that you wonder if you will remember how to have fun with the wheeeeee!
On second thought...sounds like paranoia!
Musta washed my face this morning with the worry soap!
With much certainty I believe it will be better tomorrow, but this funk, this funk!
(29,414 posts)if it's okay to post here. The topic seems in line with your OP. It wasn't very long, but left a disturbing impression in my thoughts this morning.
For whatever reasons, I was riding in another friend's car (I don't know this person in waking life) and we were on one of the freeways around Houston, with the skyline in view. It was one of the freeways closer to downtown, so the buildings were clear and not obscured by pollution, like when viewed from one of the outer loops.
Before we were very far from the downtown area, an earthquake hit and we all watched in horror as almost all of the buildings began to collapse and topple over. This was also in the early afternoon, like around 1:30 pm, so the city was filled. I do remember noting, either to myself, or the other two or three in the car that the buildings that survived were the older ones built in the mid-20th century, and not the newer ones.
Of course, we were on one of the elevated freeways and it began to collapse, too. We were right at the end as the road gave way beneath the car and our momentum carried us up and over the edge to 'safety'. It was like a roller-coaster ride, in a way.
One thing to note: Houston and the rest of the upper Gulf Coast is a zero earthquake zone. The only way we can have earthquakes is if something massive happened elsewhere in the world. I didn't get that impression in this dream, but I was 'awake' during the aftermath, such as trying to get TV reception and finding one station still able to broadcast. The story I happened upon was of people using vehicle IDs to identify the dead.
So, depressing dream to remember for the day. Plus, I overslept by about half an hour
(8,423 posts)HEH! My daughter woke up the other morning exclaiming she dreamed I had enormous tatas!
After peeling myself off the floor, I began a psychoanalysis that she might think I'm happens!
(29,414 posts)Of course the better dream would for them to have been weightless. No more backaches!
I was happy to forget my dream, or at least the emotion with it. I need another centaur dream, and one with big tatas to boot!
(8,423 posts)Oh, thanks for the laugh, and the blush, I think??
The way she was describing it, I thought she meant like almost like those boobs in that movie Sleeper(:"They usually travel in pairs!" ...but now, I don't know...more than a DD(double Dang!)..probably..maybe I was wearing a Zebra( The largest size you can buy!)...RIMSHOT!...okay, I'm here all week folks!!
(29,414 posts)Was it Sleeper, or "Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex (But were Afraid to Ask)"? Another brilliant movie of his
As for the rest, you should have a look at my deviantArt page. Same nick there as here. This subthread is your fair warning
I like your "double Dang!" designation. Appropriate!
(8,423 posts)Very nice,Ken! WHy dream of boobs when you can draw them so well?!!
Yes, Master!
Thanks for the link! Do you do Bewitched, too?
(29,414 posts)but do have an older photomanipulation of Samantha somewhere. I may have to upload it. I'm not much of a fan any more, though I was back in the 70's and 80's. It just kind of waned as I became more interested in the culture of the Middle East
And I'd say much of my "influence" came from the first few years of the adult magazine Heavy Metal
(713 posts)and I have noticed also that it seems to happen when there is a solar flare which there was a big one a couple days ago. I just read this morning there is another big flare on it's way. The flares are stripping all the old away which in turn raises our consciousness. But it sure isn't any fun when it's happening! You just have to somehow "flow" with the energy. I've noticed if I "intend" to do that it helps. But in the meantime...INCOMING!
Here's a really interesting article on how solar flares affect us:
(27 posts)Thanks for the link. I stayed there about an hour reading.
(8,423 posts)Sure explains a lot. I like:
The interesting fact about this energy is that since it is of a higher frequency it creates the power of instant manifestation of our thoughts, which means whatever we think, we create instantly. This never before happened in our lifetime and that is why many people are writing books on the subject on the Power of Attraction.
Photonic energy connects to our thoughts so it is important that we know what we want, rather than we dont want, otherwise, we will manifest more of what we dont want. If you are in the process of change and transformation this energy works well for you. On the other hand, if you are stuck in the past through victimization and anger, you will simply manifest more reasons to remain stuck in victimization until you are ready to release it.
Note: The ancient texts, including the Bible, tell us to look to the skies as they would create the catalyst that would bring about change on Earth at this time.
This article is spot on-no doubt!
*** During the depression/panics I would have these negative trains of thoughts and I would find myself quickly purposefully derailing them, for fear and panic(HAHA) that they would stick...because I have been successful at manifesting some amazing things this year, so I am trying to curtail this, this, unleashed power!...So, I must quickly go find my I AM cards and perhaps make another one to address this!
get the red out
(13,641 posts)I've had roller coaster emotions lately, mostly July 3 and the week before. I had some bad emotional residue from it yesterday. A long nap helped, it was a good kind of sleep, the real kind I get when the dog is beside me on the bed (she has some kind of sleep purifying effect on me).
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)The heavy, heavy humid, cloudy day helped it along a lot. I totally forgot any plans I had, got into big fight out in GD-land where I didn't sympathize enough with somebody according to a small group of posters, who treated me with far less compassion than the person I was insufficiently compassionate toward according to them.
I ended the day putting Dahli in for the night, and then erupting into tears and sobbing that "Never, never have I worked so hard at something only to fail."
And then I heard a clear message from a male spirit guide, "You did not fail. You succeeded in your mission. You are now being given the time you need to rest."
So the worst of my panic and upset subsided, although not altogether.
Last night I dreamed of a former co-worker from 3 decades ago. In my dream he was dating somebody else, but attracted to me. And then suddenly telling me he loved me while crying. He was a system administrator and was always nice to me back then, when very few people around me were. He used to always tell me I had "just enough knowledge to be truly dangerous" when he'd come fix my system yet another time after I got it into trouble experimenting
(14,353 posts)"worry soap" I love that!
and YES, to all the above... weird dreams, bad moods, funk!
This week is all screwy with thew holiday in the middle too...some people took mon/tues off, some took thurs/ the whole jobsearch has gone to shit. Then there's this client who managed to screw me over last month (ironically, she's the pres of the chamber of commerce up here too) and she dropped me like a hot potato after I sent her a written contract and invoice for the work I have been doing for her... after 3 months of puffing me up and telling everyone how great I am...crickets. and NO check in the mail either. I have been nothing BUT professional and polite and yet I want to call her and tell her just what I think of her.... not to mention she is a shit talker, so now i am sure she is talking shit just as much as she was praising me a month ago.
I want to continue freelancing, but I think I am losing my edge...and feel like my small little town has turned on me in some way. So here I am searching for a "real job" once more, (and considering moving to a bigger town)...but I really don't wanna do that either because i LIKE being in charge of my own schedule, not taking a drug test, and all the bs that comes with corporate life (not to mention the stress of moving, the kids, daycare, etc).... but I need to make some money cuz I am sick of dealing with struggle.
stuck in the muck... that's a good term for what I feel right now
(14,353 posts)that's how it feels...maybe like your roller coaster analogy...but for me I have a hard time seeing the big rush's like walking thru molasses
I should just go take a shower and get ready, got an eye dr appt with the kids in a bit... if I am lucky today may have a nap in my cards... It's all I can think of to do ...
(3,794 posts)it's temporary
and it is mind blowing
many planets are all at 9 degees
(8,423 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)huge shift, that is permanent.
We're never going back to Ward Cleaver (just as Andy Griffith dies)
(8,423 posts)part of permanent!
Gadzooks!, she cried!
(8,423 posts)of actually SINGING!
Wish it would cool off!!!! with a shower, so that I could be..."Singing in The Rain"!!!!!