Can we please celebrate the ASAH community for just a second?
Simply put, this really is a very special place with a collection of wonderful people. I never cease to be amazed at the huge amount of knowledge represented here, but what is more staggering is the love and support shown to each other on a regular basis. Our world is a big old scary place and a lot of us feel isolated and needy sometimes. I have never seen any plea for help ignored here, nor have I ever seen a day when somebody wasn't going out of their way to help somebody else. Y'all live the spirit every day, and more important, you walk the walk.
Years ago, when we were struggling to get this forum put together, I don't think we had any idea what it would grow to be, nor did we realize what a haven it would become for so many souls. There was a group of us that wanted a safe place to talk about mundane astrology and how it applied to the political world--some of them came here from the old Salon from when it went pay to post, BTW--and we wanted a place where we were free to talk about the subjects that fell just outside the mainstream of thought. At times, there have been the usual wranglings of personality and the debates about undermining the legitimacy of astrology by allowing discussion of anything else in here. And so we come to today's version of ASAH.
Never forget that for all the active posters we have there are a lot more who choose to read and learn but do not choose to post due to feeling intimidated or feeling what they will say is an echo of someone else rather than anything new. The compassion and caring demonstrated here every day makes that possible for them.
Peace to you all. I love you. And, no, I'm not angling for your Bud Lite!
(3,621 posts)Even though I've been around for, oh my goodness, about seven or eight years, I did not know the fuller history of the ASAH group.
(13,430 posts)Like me, they drifted here after Salon wanted money from memberships in order to post (which I vehemently swore at the time I'd not do. ) Nancy Waterson was one of those women and another I remember was named Gloria. I know there were other astrologers but the names elude me right now... Anyhoo, I remember signing the original petition to form ASAH, and if I remember it right Desert Rose was a signer as well.
I guess I really am an old fart here...
(8,423 posts)x1000
It's wonderful that you have expressed this so well. Again and again I am beginning to believe that this place is beyond special. Shall I say, magical? Maybe there's nothing magical about community that's just built on LOVE and UNDERSTANDING. Maybe that's just supposed to be normal, but I am so very glad I came to visit whenever it was, and I'm so glad I stayed.
It is hard to put into words the comfort and joy of this place, this rainforest-y buddha temple on the beach with a screened-in porch and meditation circle, where someone just picked up a guitar!...It is hard to imagine life without the support of this rare and fantastic group!
Thanks Davsand!
(3,794 posts)right on. uh huh, yes indeed, you got it, yessiree
(441 posts)I love to come here and read. I often do not have time to post (right now I should be prepping for a class I have to help teach tomorrow afternoon).
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the company. Thank you ALL for being here!
(5,510 posts)I'd love to know who the other "founders" of ASAH were, if you remember & want to thank them for beginning this!
I'd like to think THIS is how the "new world" will be....a place of comfort & caring & integrity & interest.
Sometimes I just have to repeat myself!!!:
(29,135 posts)Even during its darkest moments, ('06 and '08 anyone?) it was the most supportive and insightful group on this site.
(657 posts)group I've seen on the internets. I don't know if it's the bond of politics along with the astrology and spirituality. It's a good mix.