Does everyone just get away with everything?
My kid and I chose to do something by the rules; someone we know abused the rules to their child's advantage. Their kid's dream came true and mine's didn't.
Geez, I'm so tired of people doing shady things to further themselves and getting away with it.
Thanks. Just needed to vent.

(2,185 posts)but they say the universe tilts toward justice...
faith says: "let go of your need to control.. just trust.."
But I know what you mean.
In my life, I've alway had to work hard just to keep my head above water.
AND I never, ever get away with anything.
So I walk the straight and narrow.
It gets to me that so many just skate on thru.
My husband always seems to come up smelling like a rose,
altho I know his batting average. It ain't fair but it is what it is.
Prolly has something to do with Saturn...
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)I never get away with anything, so I'm always doing the right thing.
My ex on the other hand gets away with everything and the person I referred to in my OP is living so many lies I'm not sure how they keep up!
Normally, I can shrug this stuff off, but seriously, today, I have to break my kid's heart and tell her that something she's worked toward for two years isn't going to happen. I know we'll eventually see the silver lining, but to a teenager, this sort of stuff is devastating.
Maybe Rick can comment on your Saturn theory. I'm a Cappy, so I'm a little familiar with Saturn.
(3,794 posts)have very strong Jupiters
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)And what really sucks is I could expose this lie, but, I don't have the heart to hurt a kid ...and I know it would eventually come back and bite me in the ass.
My kid has had a year of disappointments. I hope this is the last one for a while!
Does that mean I'm one of the abusers? LOL
(3,747 posts)responsibility to do the right thing. There are many levels of karma.
(18,775 posts)we can all wish her well at the very least - maybe a little bit of energy and good juju can tip the scales for her.
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)Matariki
(18,775 posts)at least not in any way that helps the victims of injustice. Sometimes I think that statements like that are just things told to us to keep us putting up with injustice. Some outside force for good will take care of everything eventually.
Seems like what really moves the wheels of justice is sacrifice and hard work.
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)we'll see the reason why everything worked out the way it did. It's just hard because she's young and we chose to take the high road and the immediate result was not in our favor, so it's a hard lesson to learn.
(5,198 posts)is underrated. No one can really take that away from you once you develop it. Certainly it is not a way to be popular or get all the toys or win all the games, but at the end of the day you can look yourself in the mirror.
For you and your daughter.
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)Digit
(6,163 posts)Sweet Freedom, also consider what a great role model you are for your daughter!
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)I'm one of those who is also required to walk the straight and narrow. If I so much as look off the path, I'm smacked down hard.
The cheaters and skaters really do ruin everything for everybody.
(2,185 posts)I mean those of us who work hard, who try to do and say what's right,
and run hard to stay in the same place.
Perhaps.. those who slide on thru.. will hit a major road blockage..
where we won't see or hear.
But it's not ours to judge.
I have heard of the incidence of those 'easy riders'
coming back into one's life with a major "amends.."
But that's not for us to say.
I'm just keeping on keepin' on.
So tired frankly.
That's why the concept of 'grace' sound so refreshing.
I'm still waiting my dose of grace...
But I know what you mean about our kids.
I had a sweetie with a big heart, and the world stomped her.
She's still trying to claim her section of the rainbow,
but we can't protect them from the slings and arrows,
nor can we bear what is meant for them.
Just love 'em and wrap them in our arms when they need it.
(29,135 posts)The only thing we can do is live with integrity.
marions ghost
(19,841 posts)when ideals of morality, fairness, justice are scoffed at. In some scenarios you may even be seen as stupid if you are honest, fair, trusting. You will be taken advantage of by those who have no scruples.
We live in a time when anything can be justified, when greed and corruption rule. So it's no surprise that people get the idea that they have to walk over others, grab what they can, hijack things--feeling that they are entitled to use any means to their ends.
You are not's very disheartening. Find the people you trust.
(648 posts)And called stupid, but I can sleep at night knowing that I've been honest and fair and demanded justice. My hope is that the dark side will see the light sooner rather than later.
There's not many people I trust anymore, and yes it is veeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyy disheartening.
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)took her bad news well and still believes we did the right thing and wouldn't change it if she could, so I at least don't feel as upset about the whole scenario.
And I have a great kid.
(4 posts)My whole entire life has been lived doing the right thing b/c that's what we're supposed to do. All my life I have watched others lie, steal and cheat to get their way.. and they do....but I have learned that's its not about them... it's about you and how you handle yourself.. At the end of your life it won't matter one bit how others treated you but how you treated others.
Live in peace knowing that you are living right and teaching your children right... After 36 years, I can finally see the results of living just and right holding love and compassion for all, even those who hurt me.
As an example, last year, I had some issues with a friend. She suddenly flipped out on me and threatened to take me to court over something "I" had poured my heart and soul into, she was jealous and wanted my hard work for hers... I was devastated to say the least.. BUT... I kept my peace... I told her I was sorry she felt that way and that I wished her peace... I had other friends who happened to be her family went back to back for me... they pretty much took the fight for me.. Meanwhile, I kept love and peace for her and meditated on the situation... finally I released it all and just let it go.... A couple weeks ago we got news through the family tree that she was now in court herself... Her ex took her to court to take her children from her....
Now, I never would have or could have wished this for her.... But, sometimes things just work out...
Outside of that... I have watched pure love turn someone who was full of anger and rage and a heavy drug user (and I'm not talking about just pot) into the most loving, kind hearted wonderful person I have ever met and all the drug use stopped as well. This guys family had all but given up on him ever straightening his life out, but I never gave up... Even though we were just friends, I knew there had to be something good in there somewhere... you just have to be patient enough to find it... just like a diamond!!
Keep teaching your children about honesty and truly loving from their hearts. Teach them to always follow the path of their heart and they will be just fine no matter what the world throws at them.
Peace and love to you!
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)japple
(10,447 posts)Jesus Christ said, "inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these my brothers, you have done it unto me." When we learn that we are all brothers and sisters in this life, it will be won.
(5,198 posts)to DU and ASAH!!! Such wise words, turning to spirit when a relationship in the physical world is not working out. I agree, it does seem to work when peace and light is sent to that person in meditation--and lately I have really been extending that out to the Earth on all levels to whoever need it the most. I'm doing a lot of peace meditations lately!!!
(13,433 posts)Story at-a-glance:
Intriguing new research revealed that virtually everyone has the capacity to lie sometimes, but very few people cheat to the maximum degree
Little incentives trigger more dishonesty than a sizeable cash reward, and people were more likely to cheat when they knew others were engaging in the same behavior
While people want to maximize their own reward, they also want to feel like they are a good person, which may explain why people are more likely to lie and cheat only a little
When it comes to making money, many industries throw ethics and integrity out the window; the more a company has to lose, the more they are going to lie
A reminder of a sound moral code was the only factor that made people stop cheating, so theres a good chance products that come from morally sound businesses will also be held up to a superior level of quality
(15 posts)the quicker the karma. Young souls get away with lots of Earth bad stuff because they know not what they do. But of course you cannot escape answering for your actions eventually.
Older souls get more cases of instant karma because they know better. Plus they are more purified so everything comes up more quickly, just as if you were eating a very clean diet and then went to Booger King. You'd be more likely to feel adverse affects because your body isn't used to the garbage.
(5,198 posts)And welcome! I was just thinking of how I too have always gotten slammed right away, as a kid I knew I couldn't lie, cheat or dare step out of line--I was just talking about this last night with a friend! I never thought about it related to being an old soul but that makes sense.
Wow -- growing up and watching all the people around me acting out and getting away with so much--while I seemed to be on the shortest leash--was really something. I did always feel that I was watched closely by spirit, since I was a child, and that was the hidden gift in all of this--that I was not really alone
(3,747 posts)are never allowed to "get away with everything." Reading comments of others who get away with nothing; I relate, because I am there.
If those with strong Jupiter get to get away, what is it about those of us who get away with nothing?
And really, firstly, I'm so sorry for your child. I wish I had great heartening words, but s to both of you.
(29,047 posts)"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24
I am not a Christian, but I think this is a wise passage. When we are at a crossroad, we usually must pick where our true priorities lie. The choice between the road of personal development and the road of accomplishing more "worldly" goals is something I think most can relate too.