The Ancient Mystery of the Ever Burning Lamps
Fire is only produced when certain materials a combustible material, an oxidiser, and a source of heat, are present in the right proportions. The absence of one or more of these elements would extinguish a flame. It is believed, however, that there are lamps whose flames have continued burning for an exceptional amount of time without human intervention. This phenomenon, which has not been scientifically explained, is indeed a very intriguing one. What are these so-called ever burning lamps? Do they really exist?
Ever burning lamps have been recorded by writers from various parts of the world at different points of time. In the ancient world, for instance, the writer Plutarch mentions in his work De Defectu Oraculorum that a lamp that burned over the door of the temple of Jupiter Ammon in Egypt. According to Plutarch, the priests of the temple claimed that the lamp stood in the open air, and neither wind nor rain put it out. Similar accounts are given for the altar of the Temple of Apollo Carneus, at Cyrene, and the great Temple of Aderbain, in Armenia.
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