An Introduction, and a Request
Greetings, all!
I've been lurking on this group (pretty much checking in daily) since it was first formed in DU2, but I've never posted before. To let you know a bit about me, I'm a double Libra (Sun and Moon) with a Scorpio ascendant. My particular interest used to be horary astrology, although I haven't drawn up a horary chart in the 10 years since my husband came down with leukemia (about which more later). I feel like I know most of you from reading your posts.
And here is the request part of my post: to make a very long story short, my husband's bad leukemia transformed into an EXTREMELY virulent lymphoma (it's called Richter's Transformation, for those interested). The oncologists have thrown every sort of chemo at it, but it just keeps coming back like some hellish version of Whack-a-Mole. Basically, I've been told that there is nothing more that allopathic medicine can do.
Shortly after his Richter's diagnosis, we saw a hypnotist to discover the root cause of the lymphoma. The (a?) cause was found in this life and much time was spent dealing with it, so past lives were not explored. But since the lymphoma won't go away, there must be something more fueling it, be it a past life trauma, an energy blockage, or something else.
So my request is this: do any of you know of any healer, hypnotist, energy practitioner, etc., etc. who could help my soul mate? I honestly don't think that I can live without him (this is not hyperbole), but the doctors have given him "days to weeks" left to live. I know you guys have ties to many different healing modalities, and I'll be extremely grateful for any help any of you might be able to give.
Thanks in advance.
wackadoo wabbit
(1,222 posts)or that this is a scam of some sort. I assure you that that is not the case.
Presently, my husband is an inpatient at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ. (Thank you, Barack Obama! Before the ACA, our previous plan only covered the crappiest hospitals.) He is on ward 7 West. The main number for ward 7 West is 480-342-0715.
If anyone wants to PM me, I'll be happy to provide you with my husband's name, his room number, and my name. Then you can call the Mayo number, verify that my husband is indeed the patient registered in that room, and then ask to be put through to the room, where I will be happy to talk to you.
I only wish that this were some sort of scam.
(15,888 posts)Give people some time to read your post and let it all sink in. There's a lot happening on this group at the moment and I believe we are all distracted at the moment. Bright Blessings and Good Luck with your husband.
wackadoo wabbit
(1,222 posts)This cardinal Grand Cross has been affecting everyone, so I totally understand.
(4,482 posts)Please read this post:
Would your doctors be willing to try this new treatment?
wackadoo wabbit
(1,222 posts)Oh yes, I've been following that T-cell therapy since it first pretty-much-unexpectedly burst on the scene. It came out of uPenn, which is not a major CLL research center, and virtually no one in the CLL community had any inkling that it was even going on.
There are some clinical trials going on for this T-cell therapy right now, but, alas, none of them are for patients with Richter's Transformation. I would move heaven and earth to get David that therapy, but, unfortunately, it's not available outside of a clinical trial at this point.
Thank you for the suggestion, though.
(4,482 posts)Please keep up updated on his condition.
(1,210 posts)Last edited Tue Feb 25, 2014, 11:06 AM - Edit history (1)
my love and ask for blessings and Light to surround you and your husband.
Have you ever done any Chakra work with your husband? Sometimes there can be blockages, take a look here - - it may give you an idea or lead you to someone who can help.
You also may find that the hospital Chaplain knows of someone outside who does healing / energy work.
P.S. I just have started reading the book "Of Monkeys and Dragons" -
"Of Moneys and Dragons is an inspirational tale of hope. O'Donnell began her journey with traditional medical training and experiences. She then found the courage to transcend an established belief system to open one of the first holistic health care clinics in the U.S. O'Donnell takes the reader along the pathway filled with both pain and joy, with a message of miraculous healing and the tragedy of needless death. O'Donnell hopes readers will find the ability to unlock their spirit to a healthier, happier and more fulfilled life."
Like I said I have only just started this, but it may be something for you to follow and contact O'Donnell - she is in Texas. Her site is - - "Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in Living Beyond Disease. There are principles of living, and healing, that we want to share with you. Disease is an illegitimate experience that man was never intended to experience. There is a way out of it by understanding the true nature of God and what His desire is for us all. There are many avenues for learning these principles on this site. Listen to the radio programs, watch the webcast and videos and read the questions on Ask Michele. We want you to understand these principles; we want to see you walk in health and wholeness as your Creator intended, and we want, more than anything, to see a world that is truly Living Beyond Disease.
wackadoo wabbit
(1,222 posts)I've never done any Chakra work (although I've bought a book or two on the subject, just never got around to really studying them). I'll definitely look at the site and see if either it's something I might be able to do or, more likely, find someone already skilled in it.
That book looks intriguing, but even more interesting is the Living Beyond Disease Center. I'll definitely look into it.
Many thanks for your suggestions!
wackadoo wabbit
(1,222 posts)Last edited Sat Mar 1, 2014, 07:42 AM - Edit history (1)
I apologize for being so long in writing this update, but it's been a crazy up-and-down time (plus I've been ill, undoubtedly due to the stress and lack of sleep).
Since the chemo the doctors were currently giving him did not seem to be doing any good (they admitted it was a "hail Mary" chemo, and there was nothing left), at my husband's suggestion they added in two days of a chemo drug he'd previously used for his leukemia.
My husband had surgery to place stents in his ureters, since the lymphoma was crushing them and causing the kidneys to back up with fluid and shut down. After he came back from the operating room, he was spacey and out of it and, it seemed to me, particularly open to suggestion, so I sat beside him and repeated as many positive affirmations as I could think of (e.g., the chemo is working wonderfully, your lymph nodes are shrinking, etc.). The next day he really did seem better.
In fact, he got well enough that his kidney function gradually returned to normal! And one of the indices that we use to track how active the lymphoma is, his heart rate (I have no idea why his heart rate tracks with the lymphoma's activity, it just does), dropped from the 120's it was when he entered the hospital to the low 80's (and even, occasionally, high 70's)!
We were released (I stay with him 24/7 at the hospital) late on Wednesday night, and were to return the next day for a Neulasta shot. When they did his vitals on Thursday, prior to administering the shot, his heart rate was 115. The nurse repeated his vitals just to verify it. What had happened? What caused this very accurate tracking index to suddenly shoot up 30+ points in less than 24 hours? I wish I knew.
We got home last night, and he's been sleeping nearly nonstop ever since. When he's awake, he says his back hurts, but he says it's not like the pain he gets from the lymphoma. That's the other thing: when the lymphoma is increasing, the nodes press on the nerves on his back, at the worst causing excruciating pain that oxycodone barely touches. Truth be told, I'm fearful that this current pain is a result of the lymphoma.
He no longer has the strength to stand by himself.
I found a hypnotist -- here is the Phoenix area, no less! -- who studied with Dr. Michael Preston. Michael Preston was the author of "Hypnosis: Medicine of the Mind" and apparently had success curing cancer with hypnosis. This hypnotist specializes in cancer as well. We have an appointment with her on Monday.
I don't know how well (or not) my husband's doing, and because the hypnotist said that he's undoubtedly very susceptible to anything he hears right now, I don't want to question him about negative symptoms. So I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that he's doing better than my fears warrant.
Thank you all for your positive energy. I really appreciate it.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)I just wanted to extend my welcome to ASAH, along with well wishes, healing energy and positive energy vibes to you and your husband.
One thing you can do is simply continue with your affirmations. Let them be your mantra, whether you speak them externally or with your inner voice. Be Here Now...don't think of the future with or without him....just put yourself and him in as relaxed, comfortable and comforting a space as you can. You don't need to be disease or symptom focussed either during your affirmations. Take a mental stroll by a beach or sit in a meadow at the top of a mountain, and describe to him all that you see, hear, smell and feel there...the sound of the breeze or ocean waves, the warmth of the sun. The feel of prana gently flowing....
(1,210 posts)Will continue to send hugs and Love.
With the affirmations don't mention the disease - talk to your husband and his heart - you are well, you are strong, I love you. Nothing that could be "negative" i.e. no talk of illness, weakness, etc.
I have not heard of hypnosis for cancer - please keep us posted as to how that works it sounds very interesting.
I am not sure how to do this with DU, but if you want you can always pm me for support.
Love and hugs,
(2,151 posts)Sending hugs.
(30,266 posts)I am so sorry. I have no cures or solutions; but I want you to know that you are not alone.
(5,510 posts)I've not been here for awhile, & just saw your post. Sending positive thoughts & light to you & your husband. May all be well with you both.