(13,039 posts)eom
(53,592 posts)I do not understand!"
Poor bunnies...
Sweet Freedom
(4,015 posts)NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Mindfulness meditation may be useful in battles against anxiety, depression and pain, according to a fresh look at past research.
But I was afraid heads might actually explode.
(15,888 posts)They're on a power trip and there's no mindful meditation come what may to suffice those big heads. I'm not complaining about them; I just give up. You can't heal a patient that refuses to heal.
(6,811 posts)and it is a group with large overlap on those trying to control the language of who is "Democratic enough" by constantly opening the window to the right wing.
same bad FUDge being sold. time for people to stop buying. any engagement with that type feeds textbook COINTELPRO methods to gain exposure and credibility.
(4,482 posts)Holding onto anger is really bad for one's health.
(15,888 posts)Book sounds interesting. I'll look around for it.
(4,482 posts)I was referring to the "woo" haters. I was starting to wonder if Skinner had eliminated the Skeptics, Science & Pseudoscience group. IMO, that's where those posts belong.
BTW, there is another excellent book, Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, by Karol K. Truman.
(22,298 posts)same with the atheists in the Religion group. They have their own group, but no one but them goes there, so they went to the Religion group & trashed it to the point where you can't have a rational discussion about Religion without one of them coming & taking a dump on it.
(29,414 posts)is what caused us to start the Interfaith group Although, it's been slow there, too, lately.
(15,888 posts)Could be why they're allowed to run amok, crapping on everything.
(29,414 posts)However, he's always come across as the "healthy skeptic", or the kind we can respect as they respect us. Some of our members here are of the "healthy skeptic" variety
The ones that have been starting these fights are what I (and others) have termed "unhealthy skeptics." That's just as we've defined them: closed-minded, over-the-top skepticism, deifying their fellow skeptic heroes (Randi, Sagan, Dawkins, et al), and generally thinking in black & white terms while dismissing anything counter to that or that suggests "maybe there's something to this worth researching."
(4,482 posts)They are just debunkers.
(75,480 posts)Now I need a shower. What I don't understand is why these scientific types aren't spending the same energy and ardor on the climate change deniers?
(6,467 posts)are either very lonely people who only feel good when arguing, or trolls working for the wrong wing trying to make democrats look silly. I am a scientist, they are clearly not as scientists do not reject data because it is not explainable. Beyond belief, really.
(6,811 posts)this has nothing to do with science or good faith discussion. it has to do with control of speech and labels.
a sceptic adheres to the scientific method whether they like the results or not -- and rarely do they so casually slip into that belligerently authoritative "i know" posture.
real science requires honest questioning, a stoic resolve in the face of excitement, and the humility to listen to any answers.
(6,163 posts)Two things come to mind....
You never know who may find themselves seeking the sort of information we discuss on here. Things happen and situations change. More people than ever now know that ASAH exists.
The other relates to new people who may find us HERE in a public format who are already like-minded. They would not be able to readily find us other places, so I would hope that we not completely abandon ASAH.
But I agree, Haters are gonna hate. That is just sad for them.
(4,482 posts)Found at this link: fficial&channel=np&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=-dvLUp0GgYSsAceHgMgC&ved=0CEYQsAQ&biw=768&bih=334