"He's just cleaning house."
I ran into a friend from our county Democratic committee today. She tried to get me to come back to meetings. I told her I could not do that any more. I am doing other things for the Democratic party.
She spoke to me about all the changes in the committee, not all of them good. She and I both started speaking about all the changes in politics and society worldwide. There really have been some remarkable, revolutionary events over the last couple of years.
She is not someone who believes as we do. She would scoff. But she said, concerning changes, "Don't worry. The world is not ending, God is just cleaning house."
This was a remarkable thing for her to say. I don't usually find her this insightful, either.
We then spoke about the changes in the Catholic church, the Middle East, Wisconsin, Occupy, etc.
All sorts of people are noticing. They may describe it in different ways, but the changes are evident to many, many people.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)Some people are so good at burying their heads in the sand you can start to wonder how much it will take for them to notice.
Then the person from whom you'd least expect it says what you've been wishing somebody else would finally notice! Yeah!!!!
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Myrina
(12,296 posts).... at least as I see it.
More shootings every day, transvaginal ultrasounds, wage stagnation, more Wall Street stimulus, etc etc ...
The meek are getting hammered at every turn, so I'm not sure exactly what it is that "God' is cleaning out ...
(3,794 posts)The devastation of Pluto/Uranus and the upliftment of Chiron/Neptune. They will ebb and flow for several more years. It started 1/25/08 when Pluto entered Capricorn. Has till 2023 until it's done. Hold on to your hats.
(5,510 posts)murielm99
(31,598 posts)And I agree with Rick. Both are happening, at the same time.
(3,794 posts)and flowing
(713 posts)Both are happening at the same time...there's a lot falling, restructuring, etc. and there will be more, much more. But if you look, you can see the grace of the other side and it shines so much brighter than what's crumbling. It's there, and it will increase, but the old has to go first. Focusing on the beauty of the other side of what is falling is enough and it will cause a paradigm shift, for everyone, eventually.
(3,794 posts)Collectively, more and more of us are realizing AND STEPPING UP TO THE PLATE and mounting our large thoroughbreds. It's time. Can't you just SEE the steam rolling off of their powerful manes!?
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)very high vibration (although you can create that as well). Karmas are becoming ripe and are manifesting, personal, local, national, international. As are intentions and desires, which includes the bad guys as well.
I am honestly highly alarmed regarding unfolding events in the US. The will of the majority shall rule, energetically, even if it is to allow themselves to be run roughshod.