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This message was self-deleted by its author (Ricochet21) on Tue Mar 12, 2013, 07:54 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
(13,430 posts)Sorry, Rick--I HAD to do it!
Laura, just when I said, "Don't..." lol
(12,296 posts)UGH.
Sweet Freedom
(4,015 posts)AND THE DAMN MOON!
I kid... A little.
(3,873 posts)Pretty messed up stuff.. but today I am feeling somewhat whole again...the lesson of letting go is smacking me in the face.. you'd think I'd have gotten it by now.
Guess I must gird my loins for another week of abject sadness and depression..
O Joy
(3,794 posts)I hope not for you.
(3,873 posts)But this is how the moodiness has played out for me.. there were, of course, outside influences as in life changing bummers..But as I said, I am starting to feel like I am emerging..
I see my life as an unfolding set of opportunities to awaken.
― Ram Dass
May it continue
(3,794 posts)This will be a different type of "moodiness" one that implies a shift to a consciousness: EXACTLY AS YOU REPORT! Yay for you! That's wonderful!
It will continue.
(3,794 posts)remember, success comes from letting go. That's what it's all about, I think
(8,423 posts)Try this (from The Law of Divine Compensation)
Dear God,
I give this quiet time to You.
Please dissolve my thoughts of stress and fear
And deliver me to the inner place
Where all is peace and love.
....allow yourself to switch gears. When you find you are ready, look honestly over the landscape of your material life. With the power of your imagination pour a holy light over everything you see. Ask to be shown all you need to see and know, and your spirit will guide you.
Everytime I read this beautiful little book, I find a jewel I had missed the first time around.
I did try the pouring of the golden light, and was amazed at the shift.
It also seems to make the corners of your mouth want to turn up towards a smile.
Thanks, Rick for guiding us!
(3,794 posts)I'm just giving you astro heads-up. Sounds very nice Kim
(8,423 posts)brings on a shift...the possible miracle you spoke of in your newsletter? Or is this in addition to???
(3,794 posts)yes, it is what I talked about in the newsletter. The massive transition of the collective into the sea of unmanifest consciousness, Pisces. This month. You'll feel it becuase you have an enormously strong Neptune in your chart as most people do on ASAH. Float with it. Yay!
(12,171 posts)That is a great little prayer. I will change the God to something I prefer, but this is wonderful. Thank you for sharing!
(8,423 posts) least for me!
I find it really puts you in the moment, prevents the gutterballs in the bowling game of life.
Wait! I meant to be more serious.. I'm feeling a bit silly.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)not sure how much of that is the cold, cloudy and raw weather though.
But a lot of hostility in some quarters out on DU today.
And a lot of hostility in the phone calls I'm taking at work. Barely repressed hostility from my boss in my 1st one-on-one with him. I've seen flashes of it here and there since day one, and I'm not sure why.
(53,604 posts)an extension of what I am seeing all around me today.
There seem to be three themes: first people flying off the handle in ways that are characteristic but taken to a new extreme, second people feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities to people they have to care for, third people feeling a loss of control and lashing out verbally at innocent bystanders.
I am seeing this on all fronts. It feels more fundamental than a lunar phase.
Thanks to Ricochet for the suggestions on how to proceed though. They are actually very appropriate for how to deal with what I'm experiencing personally these days.
(3,794 posts)A lunar phase repeats itself every month. THis is the Moon opposite 6 planets in Pisces. Put it all together. Massive. Massive. It's just forming now.
A lot of the ugliness you are seeing is the Uranus square Pluto too
(53,604 posts)it will fade in a week or two, BUT while the Moon goes through Virgo in the middle of this, it will change. That will be (EST) Monday, 2/25 around 1:30am through Wed. 2/27 around 8am. Virgo will change 2 things.
1. It won't be as moody as the Virgo archetype does well at corralling emotions.
2. Very important: we will be INSPIRED to do something about our developing spiritual practice, i.e., yoga, mediation, journaling, Tai Chi, etc. Virgo will put heavy emphasis on BEING PRODUCTIVE. Put the two together.
(53,604 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)the further you get your boat away from shore (safety, reality) the less likely you are to turn around to see
how far you have drifted. Too painful. Easier to blame someone else.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)thank you!
In the case of my boss, I've concluded it is fear-based. Every manager I've had in the last few years has feared me, because I am usually decades older and more experienced in life and work than they. And the work environment right now is so incredibly fear-based. I suspect things are terribly wrong at the new job, at least with the client I'm assigned to. The client has lost a lot of "retail" business (versus institutional/pension type business) and it's easy to blame us. The reality is that the entire stock market has lost a large number of individual investors, who woke up to the reality of how gamed the system is and have gotten out asap since '08.
Everybody else, too, yes. Easier to attack someone than acknowledge their mistakes and/or feel their own fear.
I also find the more relaxed and confident I feel, look and act, the more I come under personal attack. The more patient I am with others, the more impatient they are with me, too. A lot of them looking for a fight to avoid dealing with whatever.
(3,873 posts)Gotta keep breathing..forgiving and letting go.
"Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace"
Not sure who I am quoting, but I really like it.
Gotta keep on dancing and smiling and loving and waking up!!
Bless you all
(3,794 posts)a course in miracles
(3,873 posts)There is so much truth there... I need to read it again.
Thanks for the reminder
(17,101 posts)and some profound breakthroughs of clarity as a result the past 3-4 days. It's been quite amazing, to say the least.
(3,794 posts)next week. good luck
Response to Ricochet21 (Original post)
year of the cat Message auto-removed
(3,794 posts)ENJOY IT
Response to Ricochet21 (Reply #27)
year of the cat Message auto-removed
(5,510 posts)Sorta like confusion searching for an answer in a get-to-the-core-of-it-all way, as opposed to moodiness striking out at others?
(3,794 posts)But IT'S MUCH more of your INNER VOICE SPEAKING VERY LOUDLY AND SURELY TO YOU. Take advantage. It's a very positive thing, when the word MOODY is used here, haywire!
The moodiness is probable to the fact that it's a different mood than what one is used to, and many people tend to blame
others when that happens. Moods are seen negatively because we see ourselves as "out of control." Which is EXACTLY WHAT IS NEEDED! Get out of CONTROL, i.e., let the new Neptunian spiritual archetype come in and SURRENDER TO IT (Our own self). The "struggle" comes in when "we" don't want to give in to what SEEMS external. (Neptune) but it's actually our most intimate, godlike part of us. Do NOT try to wrestle it, or figure it out. Let it be; let yourself BE moody if that happens. Clarity will come the week after. It will be good unless you have your spiritual doorways cemented shut, then there will be trouble.
(8,423 posts)I've been struck by the insights that have and such happening has helped the pain of another thing approaching, you mention struggle...the thing is, I feel like I have been struggling for awhile now, and on some level it feels like I may be more comfortable with this than the success I seek. I found that to be astonishing...
(4,225 posts)LMAO!!! Seriously though I got to break the spell.
Out of control?! Say it isn't so!
Seriously though Ricochet21 I have gotta get a grip.
(8,423 posts)of a mug that contains decaf?? HAHAHa
Just kidding!
You know I luvs ya!
(4,225 posts)Well one good thing can be said about Obsessive compulsive behavior. No one can complain about your lack of focus!!!
(3,794 posts)try not gripping it. Let it go. Let us know what happens.
(4,225 posts)A control freak like me! ROFL!!!! Actually that is what I'm tryin to do....Not easy. HHHHOOOWWLLL!!!!
(636 posts)Try it, you'll REALLY like it, it'll set you free
get the red out
(13,660 posts)Been living it. DAILY. And dealing with other people's living it too.
(3,794 posts)Universal energy is phenomenal; we're all linked to it
get the red out
(13,660 posts)In GD, I haven't done that in at least a year. I felt like I was at war. Full moon sucks.
(3,794 posts)and non-sexual (mainly)
(29,414 posts)just to do so. And then feigning like "What are you talking about? I wasn't being mean!" No? Then why word your posts/threads in the worst way possible?
Not as much South-bashing, thankfully, so it's not taking as much for me to hold back in taking the bashers to task
(3,794 posts)their own projections
(21,046 posts)Where I live, out in the country, nearly everybody fits the redneck stereotype. However, when I point that out, and how conformist they are, I get flamed for it. And I can't call anyone a "redneck" or "cracker"; then I am being racist.
(29,414 posts)I've also observed that the men DUers of the Pacific Northwest are less accepting of southern states than the women DUers of the same area. You'll see the phrase "slave states" used most often by that group. Too bad they don't like to acknowledge the existence of the rather red halves of their own states up there...
How are you doing, anyway? Have y'all gotten some good rains lately?
(21,046 posts)Today cold and sunny.
Did I tell you I've turned into a cat person against my better judgment???
And my terrible allergies?
(29,414 posts)(other than Siamese, then it's deadly!)
You'll have to post a pic-thread in the Lounge
(8,423 posts)I cried and cried today, over a relationship I certainly took for granted. I know the ending or non-working consensus wasn't all my fault,(although I know what I did wrong), but it sure feels that way. Major Ouch!
My heart's awash
Drained of content,
Crushing descent,
....Wondrous Hollow.
(3,794 posts)we all love ya
(8,423 posts)for all youse guys!
(13,430 posts)Without going into a huge amount of detail, something that I have worked and planned for over the last couple years has been under almost constant challenge since about Thanksgiving. Much back and forth, stuff going awry unexpectedly, screwed up paperwork, lawyers, attempts to salvage, feelings of futility, anger at things I considered unjust and unfounded, MORE lawyers for trips to court (!) and now, finally, a trip to the Appellate Court. I had been sleeping about 4 or 5 hours a night, and it seemed like every day brought more problems and indignities with it. I felt like crap.
Dunno what shifted, but finally, things started to lighten up. The Appellate Court gave us the stay we asked for, and they agreed to fast track our decision. My attorney has been working like a dawg and suddenly, for the first time in a long time, I've been able to pick up a newspaper and not worry about what I'm gonna see.
Maybe it was my own realization that there have been some amazing good things that came out of the last few months--in spite of how painful it has been at times. Maybe it was my own decision/realization that it is gonna play out however it does--I've done as much as I can. I can't control it. I can only go along for the ride from here on out. If everything does play out in a way that I never envisioned I am ok with that. I've realized I simply don't have any choices left to make so I gotta let it roll. As Rick is fond of saying, "Let go and let God."
I have been sleeping just fine for the last few nights. We won't have a court decision for about two weeks, and I am convinced that they will find in a way that is just and fair. That's enough for me.
(3,794 posts)You let go of doing it yourself (illusion) and let God, the only choice you had. Now it works. It's happening all around me. Letting go does not mean losing control, it means letting go of the imagination that holding (worry) on CAN accomplish anything. I'm so happy for you. Now, I have to talk myself into the same thing - a constant battle.
God is intervening into impossible situations in my life and my mouth is left open.
love you
holding on = worry = not trusting = manifesting what you don't want
we must spread this word over and over to all