What's Gong ON....?
This NEW Paradigm thing is really tripping me out. It's like waking up, Rip Van Winkle style and discovering the old territory is no longer there. The 'lay of the land' is the same, but there are all these shiny new portals and openings and guides available...and sleeping thru the messages is no longer an option. We have collectively been dumped out of the Sarcophagus...the test has ended, and now we see things as they ARE. What do we DO with that?
I have been practicing Blessing.
First, bless your Self because you are a Spiritual BE-ing on a planet that is evolving and needs our Light.
Then Continue through the Sacred Four's: the Kingdoms, the Elements, and the Directions, each statement beginning with
I AM Good and I bless....
(tap your heart to open it as you pray)
It seems to help with the disorientation. But it's still a trip. All bets seem "off"...anything can happen...even what seems like "crazy" by the old standards is looking more okay...because you are aligning with others who get it too. you are open to your guides, and open to the angels in everyday life...
the quantum field has opened...is anyone else just ROCKED by this?
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)it feels like the planet is shrinking, while the global information base is exploding. More people know the same things than ever before, if my subjective feelings are correct. It has been the perfect time for me to take up meditation. I can get down to the little core of myself that is left when all else is stripped away. The type I practice begins with realizing "I" am just the space where thoughts/inner voices show up.
I have a short list of things I can really focus on. There's so much more that I do not want to give my limited energy.
(12,296 posts)I have been sinking deeper and deeper into a depression and feel like I'm sleepwalking all the time.
I hate my current situation & have been thinking that maybe the HR recruiter kneecapping my interview with the other company earlier this week was a good thing, because ultimately I hate working in IT. Now maybe I can go hidey-hole for a few months & come up with a plan for a new direction in my life.
I can't continue to do 'what I know how to do' just to pay bills. I need to do something I love. First, though, after so many years of 'doing what I know how to do', I have to re-remember what I love to to. Honestly, I've completely forgotten.
This isn't a happy place to be in, at the moment.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)I'm so sorry. At the least, I think you should contact your state dept. of labor and advise them about Company B's behavior. Slander is illegal and immoral. You have in writing that you were slandered.
I would also respond to the email from Company A and calmly refute the lies, if only because you have a right to stop the slander about you.
Taking these 2 actions will help to free you from the anger and depression you feel right now, enabling you to make clearer choices for yourself without the outside bad juju interfering...
(8,423 posts)Where can I find out more?
...Yes, I think the Quantum Field (The Universe's fingers) is there for everyone to use, if they only will.
I have found it most definitely opening and flowering.
I have also noticed that what hurts like hell...more quickly begins to vanish. The self-actualizing, self- correcting universe wants us to learn from the pain and move on. It seems like nothing ever just sits in place anymore.
(14,353 posts)The 4 Kingdoms: Mineral, Plant Animal and Humankind - whom we share this Earthwalk with and who share their stories with us.
4 Elements, Which give us energy to move and show us the lesson of their power
4 Directions...that give us the 'where to go' and the lesson of their place on the medicine wheel
I plan on working on a book that outlines how to BE the Center of your own Medicine Wheel, then you have those lessons with you at every moment. The kingdoms are really WANTING to help us right now especially
(14,353 posts)Sorry, that misspelled word in the title is bugging me, lol
Anyway...I am also noticing that my rythyms for sleeping, eating etc are all whacked.
I guess it's another 'symptom of Shift'
(8,423 posts)till now! HAHAHA!
GONG is actually appropriate, too.
(3,794 posts)the old world is GONE
and was replaced by the quantum/holographic Jan 2011
I see it
Enjoy it
Don't try to understand it
not yet, anyway
(14,353 posts)really? holy crap... it just seems so much more clear and sudden this month/year!
wow, just wow, rick....
(3,794 posts)the issue called "The Puncture to the Collective" from Feb 2011
THAT's when it happened while most people got their signals crossed up
and thought there was a new 13 sign?
It's all in that link:
Yes, IT'S GETTING CLEARER NOW, but things take time to notice against the backdrop of the collective mind.
(14,353 posts)thanks for the reminder. I see it now, wow...
so are jupiter and Uranus still in dance? who's involved these days?