Experience I Had with the Trickster
I was roasting tomatoes the other day and I had two bags of cipollinis (small onions) that I wanted to include. I took one bag, parboiled them, and slipped them out of their skins and onto the roasting pan along with the tomatoes.
Seeing I had enough tomatoes to call for another bag of onions, I went back to the drawer where I store onions to get it. It was gone.
OK, I'm used to this. Misplace things all the time. I look in my ktichen, my butler's pantry, and on my dining room table. The onions are nowhere to be found.
I figure I overlooked them in the storage drawer, so I return to the utility room and search every single drawer. Not there.
I again go through all the rooms, looking for them. Can't find them. I repeated the previously described process a third time. There were no onions anywhere. I went through every single drawer a third time.
At this point I begin suspecting the Trickster. My friend I have mentioned here before, Anjali, had told me about a few instances where she yelled at the trickster and demanded he return her items and he did. A few of her psychic friends also did this and received their items back. So I was about to demand my onions back when a friend stopped by.
This is not a friend who would understand demanding some onions back from the trickster, so I had to keep my mouth shut. The whole time he was here, I was wishing he would leave so I could yell at the trickster.
Finally he left and as I saw his car exit down the road, I addressed the trickster. I said, "I want those onions back and I want them back now." When I said this, I was in my office, which is fairly close to my kitchen.
Now this is where even I have a hard time believing it, but it happened. I heard a "thunk" come from the utility room. Figuring it was a cat jumping off some piece of furniture, I went to check it out. No cat.
However, I was again in the utility room so I decided to check a fourth time for my onions. I opened the drawer and there they were.
Now, I know those onions were not in that drawer before. I had looked three separate times. And my friend was in my sight the whole time, so he didn't pick them up and put them there, either.
Was the the "thunk" I heard the onions being returned? I am chalking it up to that.
This amused me to no end, so I wanted to share the story with my friends here.
I have had a lot of trouble with missing objects over the years, so much so that I have implemented "rules" for where i put things. After this experience, I don't think my own absent-mindedness is the cause for all my missing objects.
(68,644 posts)We must be twins separated at birth!
I think you are right in your conclusion.
Silver Gaia
(4,916 posts)Great story!
get the red out
(13,641 posts)I've had missing objects show up when I asked for them back, but never with a "thunk", LOLOL AWESOME!
(62,317 posts)I've had things go missing and reappear, but I never knew of the possibility of a trickster. I'm going to try this next time. Thanks!
(18,186 posts)A similar experience happened to me several weeks ago.
While riding off the mountain with a friend who was taking us grocery shopping in his car, I searched my laptop bag and purse looking for my "readers," my glasses that let me read anything in my dotage. These glasses are easy to spot since they have rhinestones on them ( this is why old ladies buy glasses bejeweled with shiny, sparkly bits ) and I KNEW I put them in the laptop bag right before I left the house.
I assumed they had fallen out of the bag back in my car. Nope. Once we returned to my friend's place, I searched the car.
Inside his house, I took everything out of my laptop bag and searched every pocket in it twice. My friend watched me. If I hadn't been sure I put them in that bag before I left, I wouldn't have been so insistent on emptying it out, but the glasses were nowhere in that laptop bag.
Later that evening, I get home and set the laptop bag on the hope chest next to my desk. I leaned over it to get my computer out, and there were the glasses, sitting nice as you please at the top of one of the side pockets.
I immediately called my friend, who said "Those glasses were not in there!"
I think the Tsalagi blamed the Little People, but I just had to laugh at the whole thing and, like you, feel a little better about my CRS.*
*Can't Remember Squat
(22,298 posts)I ask the cats where it is....voila, it shows up!
(18,186 posts)She steals pill bottles, pencils, any little thing.
My mom will find the stashes when she cleans under a bed or straightens the back of a shelf.
Maybe my cats have a stash of my readers somewhere. hmmmmmmm
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)I had a diet book this morning that has been hiding from me all day. Per your instructions, I just hollered for it's return. Hope it turns up soon!
(21,046 posts)It was my grandmother's and after her death, my mother managed to lose it in the house somehow.
(23,156 posts)although I do think that there's something messing with me on occasion. I have several stories about these things, but the one I'll relate is this: Some time back one of a pair of earrings had gone missing. I was quite certain I'd put them both on top of my dresser, where one remained, but the other was nowhere to be found. I didn't fret, because I knew it would eventually show up, especially as I was the only living creature in the household with pierced ears. (There was also a husband, two sons, two cats, and a brother living in the basement. None of them wore earrings.)
About six months later I was walking down the stairs (two story house) and all of a sudden the missing earring materialized in front of me, whacked me on the knee, and landed a couple of stairs down from me. I simply said Thank You out loud.