In The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson she describes
Atonement is like a spiritual reset button. It is a gift from God, providing us the opportunity to clear the karma of past mistakes by owning them, taking responsibility for them....making amends.. and doing whatever is possible to change the patterns of behavior that created the situation that now causes us shame. We recognize past errors and pray, "I am willing to be different than I was before. Please show me how."
The universe then corrects all limitations caused by our wrong-minded thinking. Guilt dissolves from our mind as thoughts of mercy and love replace it.....Atonement gives us the power to forgive ourselves; it gives us back our self-respect.
We've done whatever we could to right our wrongs, and the tenderness of a merciful universe opens up for us in ways we might never have imagined.
There is no mistake you've ever made that can't be divinely corrected, as long as you acknowledge whatever mistaken thoughts led to the error and surrender them to God.
In a Course In Miracles, we're told to go back to the moment when the error occurred, admit that we didnt allow God's spirit to guide our decision at the time, but remember that we can choose again now...placing that moment in the hands of God...he will undo all the consequences if we will let him....if we've made a mistake it's because we forgot who we ARE. His response is not to punish but correct us.
You are internally programmed to rise to your highest creative possibility...
Any miracle you might have
held in trust for you until you are ready to receive it. The universe has an inbuilt insurance policy. Whatever you lost is programmed to return- in another form, in another situation, in another town, or with other people, perhaps, but through the power of atonement it will return.
That was my favorite part. Very soothing and hopeful, don't you think?
Sanity Claws
(22,079 posts)Talk of a reset button is great when we are faced with a new year. We can do things differently this year and push a reset button on our past mistakes.