Question about GHW Bush
Does anyone else get the feeling that his demise as of late is another indication that the 'dark energies' are losing hold on the planet? I keep thinking about Matthew Messages and the word that the Illuminati is losing it...I wonder is his turn for the worse after 12/21 is an indicator...
(713 posts)but that is an interesting point. I did get the other day that he was leaving though.
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)Festivito
(13,622 posts)The family benefits when they can avoid paying estate tax.
The CIA guys benefit from not giving time for a deathbed confession.
And, they both have the means for making someone ill.
He's not in a good position.
(27,137 posts)...look for this to increase in frequency and spread wider throughout the world. It's the energies currently bombarding all of us from our sun, the central sun, Alcyone, Sirius B and various points within the entire universe. It's why so many of us feel wiped-out half the time with aches and pains galore. But the more Light we draw to us and send out, the greater discomfort they have with the old ways. Ironic, is it not? We can use our Light by to defeat them with our minds. Our positive thoughts.
Think of it sort of like when Dracula gets caught out in the sun. And he runs inside, but there is no where to run because the energies penetrate everything. Look for another good whack around the 31st - 1st
- I know it's asking a lot, but don't forget to send the ol' coot some Light. Lord knows, he needs it. Those of the Shadow World have been, if nothing else, good teachers because they taught us why we shouldn't follow after them......
I speak to you because yours is the opportunity to better world conditions and yours is the time. Do not fall into the old ways that will lead you precisely into the world that you fear.
There is no man who hates but that hatred is reflected outward and made physical, and there is no man who loves but that love is reflected outward and made physical.
Unconditional LOVE is what it takes......[/center]
(6,096 posts)It is so easy to be negative these days and I am going to read your post again just to help myself be stronger in sending light and love to those I disagree with, or perceive that I dislike. Thanks..this will be my New Year's resolution!!
Resolve: ''To be in it, but not of it.....''
(5,510 posts)It was my first serious indicator that things are on the fast track to improvement when I first heard he was ill a couple of weeks ago. He is the head of the snake. Once he's gone I predict we will see rapid progress in positive actions for the good of the entire planet. Then we will see MANY of his minions go, i.e. "Chain"ey, Rummy, perhaps even North. I've always felt he was the gatekeeper holding back progress & technology that would make life better for all on this planet. Keep your eyes on the sky!
(18,775 posts)Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)It's soul choice time, and just time for some. Those mired in the old ways are moving on to more of the same. I don't think I'd characterize Charles Durning and Jack Klugman among them, but who knows. The cycles of leaving are always easiest to monitor via clusters of celebrity deaths (visible via media) and tides of dis-ease.
Stormin' Norman just went.
(14,353 posts)and my first thought about the General was I wonder how he died...did the chemicals that killed and impaired so many os our soldiers effect him eventually as well?
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)DeSwiss
(27,137 posts)...many can't take the bombardment. Their bodies are worn and tattered from so much living in 3D. So they lay them down for good. We must remember that the shadow-side is a necessary component of 3D. Without it there is no duality and thus, no lessons to be learned.
- But there is no place for the shadows in 5D. They're not gone, we just can't see them. We'll meet again in 5D and beyond......
(11,752 posts)It's a beautiful book that talks about connecting with your inner shadow.