Okay guys and gals, I have a second interview coming up!
I have been stuck in this $8.50.hr call center job since April. It tough to go from $15/hr to half that, and it is half since they never give 40 hrs.
Plus commuting 19 miles each way eats up the little amount I DO make..... it has been a rough road. But you do what you have to do to survive and since my unemployment had ended I had no other choice.
The job I am interviewing for is a contract position but at least pays $13/hr and is 5 miles closer to home. I passed the test in Word, Excel and typing test and the staffing agency now says the employer wants to interview me.
Please, if you can send good vibes, white light or positive energy Thursday morning to assist in getting the job I would really appreciate it!
Thank you!
(12,263 posts)I'll be thinking of you on Thursday morning. Go get it!
(6,163 posts)I am going for it! I appreciate your good thoughts sent my way!
(12,263 posts)You passed the tests and now they just want to see if you will fit in. Remember also, they need to be a good fit for you. Check them out and if you want the job, don't forget to ask for it. Strength!
(6,163 posts)The right mindset is important.
Yes, strength!
Thank you!
(8,434 posts)Do you have someone you can do practice interviews with?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What is your strong suit?
What is your weakest skill?
You know, all those questions you need to be able to answer smoothly and confidently.
Good vibes your way though. Hope you get it. I'm in a very similar situation. Only my drive is 60 miles 1 way
(6,163 posts)Sometimes those questions trip me up so I will need to have some ready answers!
Weakest skill and where I see myself in 5 years are tough to answer.
In 5 years I would like to be retired although I don't know if that will ever happen.
This is a contract job and is supposed to be long term.
Weakest skill is a tricky one, damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Your commute is quite a distance....I think I will stop complaining!
I do appreciate the good vibes so thank you, thank you, thank you!
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)I once read that the best way to answer the "weakest" question is to turn some form of virtue into the weakness.
For example, depending on the job, "I just never want to give up until I've done the very best. So I make myself
finish after it's been done right". I'm not explaining it well. Whatever the weakness, go ahead and tell them
what you do about it/how you handle it so it won't be a *problem*. google might turn up better answers for that.
(3,602 posts)Also post again shortly before your interview to remind us all.
Thank you so much!!
(23,444 posts)Digit
(6,163 posts)You think that removing some of the clutter from my life is allowing new things in?
Thank you for the good vibes!
(4,225 posts)Go Digit!!!! You are in like Flynn!!!!! I'm so lighting some incense (Nog Champa) and sending LIGHT!!!!!!
(6,163 posts)Now I KNOW I will get the job!
'cause Howler sez so! I can almost smell the incense!
WOO HOO indeed!
(4,225 posts)Still keeping your Job Interview in the Light Digit!!!! What time Tommorrow????
(6,163 posts)I have an update...see separate post.
Thank you so much for the wonderful vibes!
(8,423 posts)...DIGIT-ALLY!!!
(6,163 posts)That made me laugh!
Thank you for the vibes!
(8,423 posts)Laughing is always a good thing! Well, maybe not at a funeral, or something..HAHA.
(13,430 posts)I keep thinking about that Mary Tyler Moore show where she completely lost it at Chuckles the Clown's funeral.
Laughter heals every bit as much as tears.
Digit, go forth and be excellent. I know you will!
(8,423 posts)Absolutely. In Laughter Yoga there's an exercise of opposites laughing and crying with the same stress busting results!
(13,430 posts)We do realize that death is serious, but we also celebrate that life. You can always tell when everybody has shifted gears because they all start telling stories about the one that just passed.
My father's passing was not a surprise, but still it was painful. We were at the funeral home the next day making arrangements for his funeral and they were showing us pictures of floral arrangements for the top of his casket. They were all typical arrangements for the top of a casket, except for one that was made up of wild grasses and flowers. While it was pretty enough, it was also made up of a lot of the same stuff that my dad had spent a lifetime cutting out of his soybeans and barn lots. I took one look at it and could not help it--I started laughing and handed the book to my brother who ALSO started to laugh. Our mom was giving us "that look" until she got hold of the book and then SHE started laughing. The funeral director was giving us all looks like he thought we were nuts.
I had to explain to him that we'd spent our childhood walking beans and doing farm work that included cutting those same grasses and flowers out of the bean fields. My mom was laughing so hard she was wheezing when she told him that if we put anything like that anyplace near my Dad--even if he was dead--he'd sit up and yell at us all to get a weed hook or a hoe. The funeral director was not as amused as we were.
During the visitation, my brother was telling some of my aunts and uncles about that little scene, and they got started laughing. Pretty soon, the neighbors (also farmers) heard the story and THEY were laughing. The next thing I knew they were all telling stories about my dad and some of the stuff he'd done, and it seriously WAS a celebration of him and who he'd been. Very healing, and totally not the somber atmosphere of a funeral home.
We've had similar experiences over the years with other family members, and have actually had other people from outside the family make comments that it sounded more like a party that a funeral in the room.
You can laugh and cry at the same time.
(18,186 posts)for you or you find something even bigger and brighter
(3,621 posts)Tumbulu
(6,460 posts)But if this group of people is not the best group for you- then I hope that a better opportunity open up for you.
Last summer I had an experience where I really flubbed a meeting. I was so boring and sort of not connecting that I called the meeting off and went and had a good think about it all. A few days later there was a different meeting with different people and it went from being a 20 minute scheduled thing to a 3+ hr thing where we all left each other feeling like allies ands friends.
So, trust that it will go well, but if you do not like the feel of the place/people try to use it as a dress rehearsal for the real thing that will then come your way.
Rooting for you and sending hopes that this is the right place for you!!!!!
(6,163 posts)I will just have to trust that things will turn out as they should.
I will update in separate post and remain optimistic.
(4,482 posts)Good luck!
Please let us know how the interview went.
(6,163 posts)Stay tuned for the update in separate post momentarily.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)may this job -- or something even better -- manifest NOW!!!!!
(6,163 posts)We shall see.
Separate update coming momentarily.
(6,163 posts)Here I was getting all serious and now I am in a fit of giggles!
When I can compose myself, see my UPDATE post.
How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???How did it go???
(6,163 posts)Our member, who loves her garden,
Howler be her name;
Her wisdom flows
and wit bestows on earth as it does in heaven.
I can't match your wit but tried to make you laugh!
Oh, and I posted my update. Let me know if you have any questions.
(4,225 posts)Diget! You so Rock and Made My Whole DAY!!!!!! I could just squeeze the Stuffing out of you!!! (In a good way)!!!
(6,163 posts)I had fun composing it!
I hope I did not offend anyone.
I finally found the place...evidently they don't use street signs much around there....but I was still 15 minutes early for my interview.
I wore a nice simple black dress and short heels which are tricky with my knee but I managed. At least now I know I can wear heels again if only for a short time....
I cleaned up nice. LOL
The interviewer was quite pleasant and asked many of those questions such as what 5 adjectives would people use to describe me, or what criticisms would employers give me.
What first dismayed me was learning that this was a call center when the staffing agency had told me it was not and I had asked this up front. Then I was informed the major emphasis will be on collection for indebtedness when I thought that was only PART of the job description. Also the way the collections portion was presented initially was that I would be helping customers to get on a payment plan. It is depressing because I feel badly for people who are hurting either physically, emotionally, financially or whatever the case may be. I was also informed customers would be often be upset (ya think?).
So, doing this in a call center environment when you are being measured by how many calls you take or make to people in distress is not quite my idea of an ideal job.
I fear I will come home each evening worrying and feeling sad about the people I have spoken with earlier in the day.
If there was a job paying $20/hr doing collections and a $12/hr doing something that was actually helping someone, I would take the $12/hr job. I think most ASAH'ers understand where I am coming from.
The interviewer probably could read my facial expressions. She said she was still interviewing and usually that is not a good sign from my experience anyway.
I am frankly disappointed.
Count it as a dress rehearsal and move on? I am not sure what to report to the staffing agency just yet. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut.
I desperately need another job. If it was offered to me, I don't know if I have a choice. Of course I would be looking for something else not as depressing.
I wish I had better news, but it is what it is.
(3,602 posts)But I understand the needing a job situation, since I'm there now. Are there other agencies you could work with? This one sounds underhanded.
In any case, it's good that you got an interview! Hopefully you can take encouragement from that and press on to land a better gig, soon.
Hang in there--
(6,163 posts)If she didn't know, she should have said she was so. This agency is one of the top ones in the area.
I have heard although I don't know if it is true, that if you are registered at more than one you get blackballed.
I wish you luck also in finding your ideal job. Hopefully the employment picture will get better for everyone....SOON!
(4,225 posts)Habibi
(3,602 posts)Well Like Tumbulu & Tsiyu said This just isn't the right job for you Digit!!! A Much Much Better one is on the horizon that will be the PERFECT job for you!!! Great pay excellent Bennie's,Good vacation time.And You will actually love what your doing and get along famously with all the co workers!!!!!
Thats one of the reasons I love you so much Digit. I really don't think you would have been able to harass and collect money from folks down on their luck either!
That speaks so highly of you!!!!
Well I'm still going to send for the perfect job for you.
Please keep us up on the adventures of Digit! I so love hearing from you!
And I know You looked just Beautiful today Professional Yet Beautiful!!!
(6,163 posts)I took a nap and after sleeping on it, this job is not for me.
It is afterall an agency and they have other openings.
So thank you once again for all the well wishes....I know there is something out there for me!
(6,460 posts)I am hoping that a much better possibility has opened up for you.
Sending encouragement
(6,163 posts)Nothing as yet, but not giving up.
I still bask in the encouragement I received and continue to receive.
Thank you!
(6,460 posts)I enjoy spending a little time every morning imagining you in your dream job that pays a real wage.
It will happen, at least it feels that way to me.
(6,163 posts)I appreciate your efforts and love hearing that a new job is within reach.
Thank you!
(4,225 posts)With Tumbulu's EVERY DAY!!!!
How can I miss now?
Thank you for the sendin, sweetie!
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)so you'll be ready for the next interview for the better job with better pay, better benefits and better work!