Bind Kavanaugh: Emergency Ritual for the #MagicResistance"The following ritual is a variant of my #MeToo spell, which may be found in my newly published book, Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change (Llewellyn Worldwide).
"Unlike the Trump binding spell, there is no need to coordinate the timing of this working. Do it whenever it is convenient, but please do it before the upcoming confirmation vote in the Senate. Many of us will be casting the spell at midnight (Eastern Time) on the evening before the vote if you wish to join forces with us."
(24,227 posts)I cast a binding spell on the orange one as part of my ritual practice. It cannot be overemphasized the power of wishing for natural consequences for Kavanaugh in regards to his drinking and possible substance abuse...those habits usually come home to roost in some negative fashion. Let the universe help that along or at least to stand in the way.
(578 posts)We'll just give him a little magical push in the direction he's already going.
(24,227 posts)Let the universe protect the innocents around him. Let him take himself down. Thanks for your OP.
(1,000 posts)I will be adding a mental image of a mirror sending back all Evil, Cruel Unjust energies.
(578 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,529 posts)I mark them on my calendar and was planning on adding the Kavanaugh element to my monthly reminder on DU tomorrow. I am going to be getting an ugly picture (easy to find) of him to burn. I already have all the candles and can make that voodoo type doll easily enough. Maybe I can find an empty beer can and put all of the burned items in it and bury it.
12 midnight EST. 9 PM PST.
Uh oh, I just read this spell and I think it must have to have been done already...It has to be done TONIGHT! Isn't the confirmation vote tomorrow? Oh shit!
"Do it whenever it is convenient, but please do it before the upcoming confirmation vote in the Senate. Many of us will be casting the spell at midnight (Eastern Time) on the evening before the vote if you wish to join forces with us."
(578 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,529 posts)WhiskeyWulf
(578 posts)It doesn't have to be the ritual given here -- just something that helps you focus your power.
(52,529 posts)I wanted to do one to him on my own hoping it would work but knowing that the original guy has instructions for a specific one just for Kavanaugh is GREAT!
My mom has done our family tree for about 10 years and I found out a few months ago that my great, great, etc grandmother came to the Phila area in the late 1600s when it was called New Sweden. She was the only person to ever be charged with being a witch in the state. William Penn was even in charge of the trial. She was not found guilty due to evidence that "disappeared" (I think that part is funny). She was accused of ruining neighbors crops and making cows give less milk as well as making livestock levitate. I am hoping that I have pagan DNA and it will make my spells more effective.
(578 posts)I've been doing genealogy for many years & so far haven't found any ancestors accused of witchcraft -- just a few murderers here & there, hahaha.
(52,529 posts)I made Kavanaugh's photo of his face into a devil's for an added bonus. I left the wrapped, black candle out in my small back yard where my little dog will be sure to add her own "deposits" on top of it...good dog (a girl dog). Tomorrow it is the fucking moron's turn! Too bad you don't know of any current hit men in the family. Maybe you could have gotten a good deal on taking a contract out on the moron. No one I know can figure out why no one hasn't already done this since he has zillions of enemies and the list grows longer by the minute.
*I actually feel better now. I think I will visualize sticking that pin in his genitals as I drift off to sleep.
(578 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,529 posts)I read it and thought it was the ritual that you posted (I DID perform it along with the binding tRump ritual every month).
(578 posts)Thanks for posting it!
(15,888 posts)I love the video where the Christian protesters can be heard singing outside while the ritual is happening!