SPELL TO BIND tRump Thurs. March 15th...
"The Ides of March"...nice timing.
Tonight at 12:00 midnight EST and 9:00PM (West Coast time). Bind the moron and keep him from harming others and those who aid him in doing so.
The date on the article says March 14 but it is from 2017.

(20,703 posts)of sorts.
The Fifteenth of March. Any year. Something untoward happens. And then it subsides.
Actually it began Christmas morn. Non-stop.
Cost us big $$$, time and aggravation.
This instance I blame 'he whose name I refuse to utter' for inciting a foul spirit to permeate our land.
"I bind evil that is emating from 'We The People's House' and any corresponding entity of iniquity connected to it. I do this in the Name of my God. Amin."
(20,036 posts)And released in the ocean....
or the East River (he does love NYC and the mafia after all).