Related: About this forumEver wonder why modern society's religions have no half god offspring of a goddess and a human male
I thought about that last year and concluded that it's because the goddess would have to be acknowledged as a goddess, would have to stay around humans when it was time to give birth, and the birth would have to be witnessed by humans. She would also have to stick around and raise the half god, half human child part of the time. That's why we see 99 per cent of these so called half god, half human beings raised by the human woman and the god is nowhere to be seen. Heck, no one is even called upon to prove that the god even impregnated her. It is the perfect setup.

(38,531 posts)
I figure those 'virgin births' are just nice girls who got pregnant the old-fashioned way and can't admit it. Better to give birth to a messiah than to confess pre-marital sex and be stoned to death.
(23,944 posts)original Christian theology had a soul source-god who didn't mess with human affairs, the karma/reincarnation system providing the system for soul values to be implemented on earth. There was a series of descending heavens and authorities... Paul's many gods...
until the creation of the material world. That creator god was known as the builder or carpenter. I haven't really researched this level of the original god system, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sophia as Mary played into it. The parables contain this original theology, especially the Prodigal Son, which should be entitled the Thumbnail God System. It's not easy to interpret, which is why Jesus said one had to have (special) eyes and ears to understand his parables, why the meanings were hidden from the general public and why Paul split his followers into children and adults when it came to spiritual knowledge.
Sky Jewels
(8,898 posts)designed to make women forever the lessers and keep them from power. They crushed the goddess religions that venerated women and fertility and nature. That's why I can never understand why any modern, progressive women would continue to buy into this utter nonsense, where the only major characters in the convoluted fictions are male (God/Yahweh/Allah, Jesus, Mohammad, Abraham, Moses, etc. etc.). Oh, and a woman is blamed for the fall of humanity and then the other major woman character basically got raped/impregnated by the cruel sky god.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)The patriarchal part isn't really the worst of it. You have people and this includes some right here on DU you might otherwise consider enlightened who will try to convince you religion isn't all bad because someone who is religious did something good once. All this really does is provide cover for a manner of practice that seeks to indoctrinate people in believing in hocus pocus nonsense. Once that has been accomplished it just makes it that much easier to get them to go along with all sorts of evil bullshit and patriarchal ideas are just one manifestation. Once you have a population that subscribes to superstition, you are one easy step away from convincing them you are the voice of that hocus pocus.
Sky Jewels
(8,898 posts)I think there are a few belief sets (such as the non-extreme side of Buddhism and the nature-revering sects or whatever) that are not so malevolent. But, yes, in general, faith defined as belief in the absence of evidence is largely a tool used for negative, and often nefarious, actions and oppression, especially against women.
But Jimmy Carter and is/MLK were Christians, and so is Joe Biden so I guess you wish Trump were still president! (I can hear it now.)
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)They still have the effect of convincing the credulous to reject reason in favor of hocus pocus. After that it's just a matter of time before someone figures out how to use that for nefarious purposes. If an idiot like Trump can do it so successfully with virtually no effort that alone is the only example anyone should ever need.
Sky Jewels
(8,898 posts)I do make exceptions for something like a version of Buddhism that is more of a philosophy of conducting your life and less about magical sky beings and other nonsense.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)If something doesn't include hocus pocus, then it's not a religion. So there may be some form of Eastern philosophy that people associate with Buddhism that isn't actually a religion, but mainstream Buddism includes hocus pocus nonsense regardless of whether or not it includes a deity. As such it still includes the conveniently unverifiable promise of reward after death in exchange for behavior modification in the present. As such it's still as susceptible to corruption by those who want to manipulate the credulous. That which can be destroyed by the truth, should be, and for good reason.
(645 posts)as not only an active, willing participant, but a sexual instigator really pisses them off.
Rape, on the other hand, not so much.
Proud to be Woke
(59 posts)I love seeing thinking people thinking!
The idea of a goddess living among us today would be so heavily scrutinized too.. much less the idea of a male god living among us now. At least, most people would just laugh at this misguided, probably delusional person, whether man or woman. But if this half god, half human person was born thousands of years ago many people will accept it as true. Oh well....
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)It was only well after the fact the person in question was deified through doctrine.