Related: About this forum'Death is a welcomed friend': Pastor calls on Christians to defy coronavirus lockdown -- even if it..
..kills themThe bible teaches us to be absent from our bodies so we can be present with the Lord, Spell said. So like any revolutionary, or like any zealot, or like any pure religious person, death looks to them like a welcomed friend.]
Fucking dangerous idiot. He not only wants to sacrifice his own religious community but the wider community that his congregants mix with @ work etc. If they go to church and end up dead they made their choice, but how dare they make that choice for everyone they mix with in the wider community. Bloody literal death cult. Zealots are so exhausting.
(12,975 posts)When did Christianity become a death cult? It has been a cult of victimhood for many years but this takes it up a notch.
Thomas Hurt
(13,931 posts)Iggo
(48,686 posts)no_hypocrisy
(49,841 posts)Don't drag me along with you
(2,580 posts)makes you stupid.
(45,984 posts)gibraltar72
(7,629 posts)Betting he isn't giving up his riches. And it extends into Trumps inner circle.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Firestorm49
(4,263 posts)LonePirate
(13,984 posts)First, if people dont show up at church, then the pastor cannot pass around the collection plate, especially if the church does not have a robust remote broadcasting and internet/phone processing system to handle donations.
Second, if the economy remains in a partially shut down status, the right wing fears voter reprisal in November that might dethrone their king at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. They crave the need to be in power almost as much as they crave the Almighty (the American dollar).
S.E. TN Liberal
(508 posts)I wish all the nutty zealots could be dumped on an island and given free reign to see whose god is greater as they kill each other off. With them gone the rest of us could go about enjoying life and creating governments that serve the needs of people.
It is so sad that the minority of idiots are allowed to make life less enjoyable for the rest of us.
(61,584 posts)WHY are they allowed to continue defying lock down orders?
(30,283 posts)If death was so great
The Gods would be first to die.
(30,283 posts)they should all go to church and get up close and personal with each and every one and then go visit their loved ones and hug and kiss each of them.
The rest of us STAY HOME!!!
Oops did I just say the quiet part out loud?
(7,564 posts)In trying to deflect from the guilt of sexual abuse, some theists like to play whatabout and point to other groups saying it goes on everywhere.
This kind of Insanity though, is pure religion.
(33,982 posts)Iggo
(48,686 posts)Fill the coffers, then fill the coffins.
(121,032 posts)life and death, blessings and curses: now! choose life, so that you and your children may live"
Deuteronomy 30