Related: About this forumPope: Abortion is never OK, equates it to "hiring a hitman"
Source: Associated Press
May 25, 2019
VATICAN CITY (AP) Pope Francis said Saturday that abortion can never be condoned, even when the fetus is gravely sick or likely to die, and urged doctors and priests to support families to carry such pregnancies to term.
Speaking to a Vatican-sponsored anti-abortion conference, Francis said the opposition to abortion isnt a religious issue but a human one.
Is it licit to throw away a life to resolve a problem? he asked. Is it licit to hire a hitman to resolve a problem?
Francis denounced decisions to abort based on prenatal testing, saying a human being is never incompatible with life.
Even those babies destined to die at birth or soon thereafter deserve to receive medical care in the womb, Francis said, adding that their parents need to be supported so they dont feel isolated and afraid.
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No mention of the life or health of the mother.
(9,696 posts)snowybirdie
(5,816 posts)A pampered, unmarried, childless man who has never had to make this decision.
(13,979 posts)Blue Owl
(55,132 posts)n/t
(6,991 posts)She's just the host, the vehicle. HER life I guess doesn't matter As long as the baby GETS here by any means necessary. Then IF the child gets here/survives and and that child is in desperate need of HELP, a majority of the time it's:
I left the Catholic Church YEARS ago for stances/attitudes like this one, because I live in the REAL world and have seen neglected/abused babies/children post-birth. Also, because I was the victim of unwanted and unsolicited sexual advances by clergy. Of course, it was determined that at 17/18 it was MY fault--the sexual advances don't 'cha know
It's NO wonder:
Organized religion is losing its followers.
By Jennifer Rubin/Washington Post News Service Apr 17, 2019
CNN reports, "For the first time 'No Religion' has topped a survey of Americans' religious identity, according to a new analysis by a political scientist. The non-religious edged out Catholics and evangelicals in the long-running General Social Survey." Ryan Burge, a political scientist at Eastern Illinois University and a Baptist pastor, found that 23.1% of Americans identify as "No Religion." In the survey, 23 percent say they are Catholic and 22.5 percent say they are evangelical Christians.
Collectively, those who identify with some religion still greatly outnumber those with no religion. But the numbers do put into perspective how many Americans find no home in organized religion.
It's not clear why there has been a shift, although disenchantment with the conduct of church leaders, especially in the Catholic Church, may explain some of the decline.
(148,357 posts)Rules made by people who never reproduce but want their ideas to be the law.
(2,133 posts)Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)There simply is no compromise with these people. Conception isn't the beginning of "life" and it isn't even the beginning of pregnancy, yet according to the dipshit with the funny hat, that's when the holy poltergeist endows a single cell's protoplasm with a "soul" and therefore is sacred. Mind you there's no scientific or even religious basis for this horseshit, but just the "decider" who claims to have a hotline to god or some such shit. So this anointed person who has never been female and never will be gets to turn half the population into unwilling human "baby" incubators.
There is no argument with them, no compromise, and no arbitrator to which anyone can appeal. They claim to speak for god and "faith" convinces religionists they are right. Any such organization should be immediately discredited by anyone who has any sense of reason or common sense, yet we give them a pass because others seem to think we should allow this sort of intellectual bankruptcy to drive public policy in the name of tolerance.
(17,081 posts)Why not?
(148,357 posts)Old men with no offspring and no wives, telling everyone else what to do about their reproductive lives. And people listen to this crap and many believe it.
With this statement, Pope Francis makes it clear that the lives and well-being of women are of no concern to him. He continues the RCC's misogyny into the 21st Century.
It is time - long past time - for the Roman Catholic Church to become defunct. It has been useless and destructive for almost 2000 years. It's time to make an end of it.
(49,533 posts)Meaning the life of the woman is therefore at risk as well.
Remember this, Catholic women. The pope is willing to risk your life for his dogma.
Cuthbert Allgood
(5,204 posts)He's the face of the new Catholic Church.
(33,982 posts)You know you've got a differentiator, when the best you can say as 'At least THIS pope wasn't in the hitler youth!'.