Related: About this forum37% of U.S. Catholics Question Their Church Membership After Sex Abuse Scandals
37% of U.S. Catholics Question Their Church Membership After Sex Abuse Scandals
By Hemant Mehta, March 13, 2019
A new Gallup poll finds that more than a third of Catholics (37%) now question whether or not they should remain in the Catholic Church a number thats much higher than the 22% who said the same thing in 2002, shortly after the child sex abuse scandal was first exposed by the Boston Globes Spotlight team.
Still, only a third? What the hell is wrong with the rest of them? The vast majority of Catholics apparently see child rape story after child rape story and think, Yeah, Im sticking with this team.
Theres a possible explanation for that, though. While 41% of U.S. Catholics said they had total confidence in the priests at their own church, only 19% had a great deal of confidence in U.S. bishops and Catholic leaders in other countries. Much like Congress, theyre fine with their representatives; its everyone else whos the problem.
As Gallup notes, however, when you survey Catholics who attend services regularly, the numbers skew in favor of the Church.
But its not like the abuse scandal is going away. How many of the questioning Catholics, then, will actually make the leap and stop supporting their local churches? Thats the true test of how seriously they take the abuse. By remaining in the Church when diocese after diocese is finally coming clean about how many predators have worked for them over the decades, theyre allowing the Church to pretend its on the right side of the issue rather than trying to put a positive spin after years of being on the wrong side of it.
Mix that with relatively low support for Pope Francis and the general demographic shifts away from organized religion, and things are not looking good for the Church.

Worth repeating:
Still, only a third? What the hell is wrong with the rest of them? The vast majority of Catholics apparently see child rape story after child rape story and think, Yeah, Im sticking with this team.

(1,926 posts)I am stunned, appalled & sad.
(28,289 posts)Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)then there's no reason to just keep right on supporting child rapists.
(42,649 posts)Please cite the relevant Scriptural references to support your assertion.
The responsibility for child rape lies with predators. Religion has nothing to do with it unless you are claiming that child rape is only committed by theists.
(9,116 posts)That quote captures perfectly your failure to understand the problem and and your failure to appreciate its scope.
(4,033 posts)...
Cardinal Admits the Catholic Church Destroyed Files to Cover Up Child Sex Abuse
and the subsequent:
Those actions, Marx argued, led to even more children being harmed at the hands of priests.
How many times does this need to be repeated until it truly sinks in that the CHURCH (aka 'god's' instrument on earth) is guilty, not just culpable, as admitted by a cardinal.
I.e. 'god' is to blame.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Seeing as how you think religion deserves the credit for anything good, but cant possibly be blamed for anything bad.
Orwell referred to this as doublethink.
(36,212 posts)Have been taught to accept without question or else you go to hell for eternity.
Spoken as someone raised in the Catholic church as a kid in the 1960s, but a non attendee now.
(428 posts)..and have until recently, spent their whole lives as devout Catholics. They were definitely more liberal (pro-choice, pro-gay rights) and much more in tuned with the compassion/social justice/charity message of the church but they were still very devout, weekly mass, all holy day church going, money donating, Catholics. This most recent bout of scandals, coupled with watching the movie that came out a few years ago about the articles that exposed the issues in the church (was it Spotlight?) they have stopped going altogether and are very angry.
(761 posts)I dropped out of the Church when I was in high school due to apparent improprieties of our priest. The only answer I come up with why there is support for the church is the belief in the absolution of sins from the sacrament of confession. There are multiple contradictions with the sacrament of confession. Most significant is to receive absolution the penitent must profess true sorrow for sinning and must promise to never do it again. There is no recourse in the church for violating the sacrament of confession. I argued this point with the priest that taught my religion class. His answer was that as long as the penitent believed when asking for absolution that the sinner would never do it again then it was valid and okay. That must satisfy the faithful.
(3,132 posts)Many of us bailed in the mid-2000s with the first reports. We left and tried to go back. But I just sit there pissed off during mass. Good riddance. And thats coming from a former nun.
(35,558 posts)losing the next generation.