Motorcycle & Scooter
Related: About this forumMy cheap dream.

I haven't owned a dirt bike since 1995 when I bought my first ATV. I grew up on mini's and three wheelers. I never owned a real dirtbike until I was 23. I first bought a CR125 which I soon found out wasn't the best trail riding bike in the world unless you just wanted to go fast. So I upgraded to a XR200 pretty quick. Then one riding buddy moved to NC, one got married and the Third was injured and sold his. So I ditched mine in favor of a 300 4x4.
Now I find myself wanting a new bike to ride with my son, I hadn't planed on this when we picked up him a XR70 for Christmas.
All his friends (and their dads) have had dirtbikes. (he's 8) We have three neighbors with dirtbikes and/or ATV's. We are friends with two other couples both with two boys each that have dirt bikes and land to ride on. We also live within 20 minutes of the Hatfield McCoy trail system. I've never been a fan of heavy bikes of any sort, in fact I've never been a fan of anything large (cars or trucks) so I've narrowed my choices down to a handful of 125's -150's maybe a under 250 dual purpose bike if I found one in the right price range used.
I'm on the smaller size 178lb 5'8" and don't plan on riding like I did in my 20's LOL... Only needing to keep up with 8-11yo kids I believe a smaller bike will suit my purpose.

(8,976 posts)Boy, do I hate when morons tell people that. I've been up and down the dial from my first 90cc Kaw to a Honda Gold Wing and every one of them was a special treat. I stopped riding after a back injury took the fun away-I loved riding as much as ever but just wrestling 800+ lbs. from a stand still was killing me. I spent 10 years missing it, then finally decided that somewhere there was something I could ride and enjoy. My choice was a '76 250 Rebel which was a mere 500lbs. thinner than my last ride. What joy-all the fun of the two lane blacktops with none of the pain.
Now of course there were trade offs. Interstates are possible but to be avoided. I know longer trip the triple (hit 100 mph) once a year to prove my macho credentials. The little machine only hits 73 with my ass on it (206 lbs.) but I suspect you might get 75...People assume it is my "first bike" and that I'm itching for something larger and it's actually funny to see the look on their faces when I explain that A. I've been licensed since 1973 B. I wouldn't trade for a 'wing and C. The Rebel is in most ways a ton more fun.
My state (New Hampshire) was just made for small bikes. Most everywhere is reached by blacktop. One interstate goes south to north (93) and 95 passes thru for less than 20 miles from Massachusetts to Maine....there are no east-west interstates. But on the blacktop I can travel from the oceanfront, to the lakes region, and on up to the White Mountains in about 100 miles and three easy hours. A loop of lake Winnipesaukee is an hour and a half and 75 miles. Best motorcycle road? The Kancamagus Highway
With all this I don't need a rocketship or screaming sound. I prefer a gentle bend and the flow of nature around me. I get that as a teen it is all about velocity and volume but in my older years I find that just for myself its about the ride and time to reflect. It IS a cheap dream-make sure you reach yours.
(15,396 posts)Just too darned big and heavy.
I test ride all my friends street bikes everything from 650's -1200's cruisers an crotch rockets. Someone gets a new bike every year...LOL
I like small and nimble always have, always will. I figure my budget restricts me to a trail bike for now, in a few years I'll find a 200-300 class dual sport.
Gold Metal Flake
(13,805 posts)Low and powerful but very easy to ride. Quick and 48mpg. Last year of production was 2009. Just need a decent aftermarket seat.

(39,665 posts)Got a lot of "Wow you look big on that bike" sort of comments.
But man, that bike took me everywhere. And fell over a bunch, and got picked up a bunch. Hummed like a top, if a little cold-blooded. Low enough to stab feet when I got too lazy to ride properly. And 80 mpg.
(15,396 posts)
A little heavier than I wanted but I suppose it'll be ok.