Related: About this forumAny flight sim fans out there?
I was active in flight sims for about 15 years until 2015. At that point there wasn't much new content and my CH Products controllers were really showing their age. Last year I decided to get back into it which led me back to 1C Studios. IL-2 was a series I played the hell out of for nearly 10 years so I didn't think twice about buying into its new iteration. Now, with the war in Ukraine, dealing with a Russian company leaves me uneasy. Logging in to a Russian server or purchasing the new module from a Russian site seems questionable at best and dangerous at worst. Any thoughts?
(1,859 posts)The graphics are very nice, especially if you have a high-end Graphics card.
It's $50 but I have to spend my money before I die.
(2,103 posts)Microsoft Flight Simulator mostly. Priorities and interests changed, I had less and less free time, and it got too expensive to keep upgrading equipment to get those FPS with newer versions.
Now I'm content to watch various flight sims on YouTube - MS Flight Sim, DCS, IL2, etc.
Though I do miss the days of playing around trying to take off/land a 747 at Meigs Field.