Smoking Cessation
Related: About this forumAttempting to quit smoking today
I have a cold so that should help. I have Nicorette gum to take the edge off. I woke up at 6:00 and have only chewed one and am not dying for another.

(54,770 posts)
I too am a former smoker.
(11,700 posts)I'll see what happens...
(124,923 posts)5 years ago almost. I don't crave at all.
(11,700 posts)The cravings are more mental than physical. But they do pass.
(124,923 posts)3 minutes the crave is gone. Lots of good advice there.
Response to UnrepentantLiberal (Original post)
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(797 posts)Stay on the nicorette replacement for up to 6 months if it curtails your craving for a smoke, the cigarette replacement therapy that worked for me was the nicorette lozenges,took about 6 months before i got off them and declared my cigarette days were over, that was 5 years ago..
Good luck
Response to UnrepentantLiberal (Original post)
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(22 posts)good for you!
you know what?
we should also make campain about how to quit smoking espescially weed because its spreading alot because it has many disadvantages besides lowering sperm count
Your ability to give up on anything depends on your determination and stamina, and it also requires some serious focus. This can be applied on quitting any kind of addictions including smoking weed as it needs many factors. To stop smoking weed, you must be mentally prepared and you must have a real desire to give up your bad habit. So if you are looking for help to get your old life back, this article will tell you what you need to do.What is Weed Addiction?, and How to stop Smoking Weed?
Weed addiction is harmful not only for your health but to your whole life. It may lead to many sorts of problems that interfere with your social life, personal relationships and your job.