Related: About this mom and I talked about choice today.
My mom left the Catholic Church about the same time as I did because of their views on choice.Her best friend's mom died in the 40's from a self-induced abortion.She participated in many sit-ins in the 60s and 70s that were pro-choice.We talked about Perry pushing the "No Exception" rule in Texas.She got a little teary."I remember when we didn't have a choice...don't let it happen again".
I won't,mom.
(27,985 posts)They're succeeding in making it less accessible and working hard to ban it all together. We'll keep on fighting for full access to safe choices for all women... in the name of your mom's friend, your mom and millions of others that worked to make it possible.
(23,070 posts)we all need to be talking... just opened this article in my email
"Two doctors charged with murder under Md. fetal homicide law"
the merits of this case aside... I am livid at what is happening right now to women's rights in this country...
I know women that died before Roe v Wade... I aborted a pregnancy with "herbs" before Roe v Wade and I want to fight for women to have choice, not be afraid and for doctors not to be prosecuted for performing abortions...
(27,985 posts)and don't let any anti-choicers spin it that way.
NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia Speaks out Against Unscrupulous Abortion Doctor
NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia issued the following statement in response to allegations against physician Steven Brigham, the owner of abortion provider American Women's Services.
"Dr. Brigham's egregious and unscrupulous actions are wholly inconsistent with the excellent record of safety established by other providers in the field of women's reproductive health care services," said NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia Executive Director, Tarina Keene. "We support the highest standards for women's health, which is why abortion remains one of the safest surgical procedures performed in the United States. The charges against Dr. Brigham are serious, appalling and out of line with the values for which we stand. We call on state authorities to use the power of current state laws to ensure that Dr. Brigham is never allowed to provide services to women again. Fortunately, in Virginia, abortion care is highly regulated through the Board of Health Professions, Board of Medicine, OSHA and other regulatory bodies and laws. We have seen the effectiveness of current Virginia regulations, as one of Brigham's associates was recently denied a medical license in the Commonwealth as she had her license suspended elsewhere. The heinous case of Dr. Brigham does not point to the need for further regulations targeting abortion providers, but for states to prosecute Dr. Brigham under current statutes. We support the efforts of the National Abortion Federation over the years calling for investigation of Brigham and his clinics. NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia has worked and will continue to work to make sure Virginians have access to the highest standard of abortion care."
They are using this opportunity to call for more regulations on all providers in an attempt to further their goal of limiting womens access to abortion care. While I agree that Brigham and his clinics in Maryland and surrounding states should be investigated, I do so in order to ensure that women have access to the highest quality abortion care. Abortion is already highly regulated, and additional state regulations are not necessary.
Health care facilities, including abortion clinics, are required to comply with a variety of federal and state regulations. These include the federal Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements, as well as other state and local regulations. Medical professionals, including physicians and clinicians who work in abortion care, are required to maintain professional standards and licenses and complete continuing medical education courses.
Additionally, most abortion providers comply with professional guidelines and established standards of care. The National Abortion Federation (NAF) is the professional association of abortion providers in North America. NAF members care for more than half the women who choose abortion each year in the United States, Canada, and Mexico City. Each NAF member must comply with NAFs evidence-based Clinical Policy Guidelines, which are updated annually, and set the standards for abortion care in North America. NAF periodically conducts site visits to confirm that member facilities are in compliance with these guidelines, which help ensure that women receive quality care. Other medical organizations, such as Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, have also established professional guidelines for abortion providers that their affiliates and members must follow.
(23,070 posts)uppityperson
(115,902 posts)She picketed and donated and worked as much as she could in conservative town in conservative midwest state in the 80's. She told me she hoped none of her kids would have to get an abortion, but wanted them legal and safe in case we did. She said there were too many issues to balance to decide who to vote for, so decided she'd vote for whomever was best for women's right, including keeping abortion access legal and accessible.
I was quite surprised and very happy when she told me about being an escort at a clinic, walking past screaming acquaintances.
(3,344 posts)My mom isn't here with us anymore but I know she and your mom would have agreed.